They also need to understand why that goal is worth to them. Being Open Minded: Are you open minded? Do you stop and listen to feedback from your group and others with whom you work? “He quickly put into practice those good ideas? If your goal is to be a self-centered, followers will lose their enthusiasm. Accentuate the strengths and contributions of each one with whom you do business. Without hesitation Mikkel Svane explained all about the problem. When you put one of the ideas from your group or members to work quickly they will feel more involved and be more willing to continue to offer ways to improve within your business with an open mind you will bring many new ideas, fresh and innovative in your organization . Source: Kai-Fu Lee. A good leader always remains open to new ideas.
Do you work under a relaxed atmosphere you? Is the atmosphere where your group and partners are making them feel comfortable and have fun while doing business with you? Nobody wants to feel the pressure and stress of a job. Take time for fun and allows people around you do the same. Genuine Interest. Do we judge people immediately, or you take the time to know them and respect their differences? Take time to familiarize yourself with your group of partners to discover more about their interests and concerns. Genuine Interest. Do you take the time to laugh and say hello, or ask how they have fared during the day? Are you passionate about people you work with? People care more for you, for your business and your ideas when you show that you sincerely care about them.
Open Communication Successful leaders take specific actions to achieve results within your business. Do you take these actions you? Think about what area you can improve and make a concentrated effort to do so. It takes time and take an interest selflessly, stop and think of others first. Effective leaders respect both the process leading to the persons involved. They know enough to come to side issues. That is not facing them directly to people or argue with them. They avoid embarrass people or put them in compromising positions. They listen before they make up their mind, and they know which is better than to suggest or criticize. They ask questions instead of making statements. They ask instead of enforcing. Your team can sometimes resemble an extended family. “Take the time to work on your personal relationships and maintain open communication … so why not work on your relationships in your business the same way? Do not expect others know what you’re thinking … you must communicate effectively with its consortium all the time. Open communication is the key to any great relationship! Great leaders do not demand respect, they earn them with effective leadership skills. Great leaders continue to learn and improve those skills all the time. Are you a great leader?