Tag Archive: internet & multimedia

Shopping On The Net Popular

The number of consumers who shop on the Internet, rose to over 97 percent, which corresponds to an increase of more than 28 percent in the past two years. The INNOFACT market research company now presented these figures in the context of the current source Web shopping 2009 trend study. This, more than 1000 Internet users aged between 18 and 64 years were interviewed in April of this year to their purchasing behavior in the network. It was found: not only the number of consumers who shop on the Internet, has increased significantly, almost half of them (44.3 percent) are significantly more money than in the year before. Despite the economic crisis, over 90 per cent of the respondents are sure that the Internet will be the fastest-growing distribution channel in the next five years.

Because the shopping on the net is easy: regardless of shop opening times consumer can calmly here browse the varied, inform yourself and order. DaySie shopping offers this not like many other Internet platforms an anonymous shopping experience, the many of the Respondents find detrimental when online shopping. Kip Cyprus takes a slightly different approach. Instead, the consumer under finds numerous small specialized professionals and retailers who are waiting in their Web shops not only with first-class products and services, but also the related advice. The traders that are found on the shopping platform, is it specialists and professional women as competently and comprehensively advise the buyer, who turns to it over the Internet, as it is the case locally, at the counter.

Gehalt Executives

Already over 70,000 downloads of Gehalt.de free app more than 70,000 users in the first four days after its release the free app from Gehalt.de downloaded – and can now access over one million content records. It has succeeded in already the new app within a few days to one of the coveted top spots in the Apple store: 1st place in the free download area. This is a great success and a confirmation of the quality of our offer”, says Tim Boger, Managing Director of PersonalMarkt. The need is readily available content information”seem to be high. Hear other arguments on the topic with Kaiser Family Foundation. Whether it’s just before a salary negotiation, a job interview or just out of curiosity, what the colleague or neighbor shows well deserved the free app by Gehalt.de at a glance whether someone has negotiated well or whether there is for above and potential. Simply enter the profession, occupation, industry, education, and age: the standard salary is displayed within a few seconds.

The app also distinguishes specialist and Executives. And in the event that the displayed content is significantly higher than the actual salary, equal matching job ads are displayed. The app from Gehalt.de there is free in the Apple store. It runs on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and is available free at the following link to download available: itunes.apple.com/de/app/gehaltsvergleich-von-gehalt/… Follow others, such as Alina de Almeida, and add to your knowledge base. Current information about updates will be published also on the Facebook page under facebook.com/gehalt.de. For more information, see iphone app

Auto Parts / Auto Parts At AutoteileTREND

Dtele: Launching auto parts Web shop with TecDoc integration. After 2 of months of development time, the digital unit of the German tele market, Dtele released, a new Web shop for auto parts and cheap car spare parts. Customer AutoteileTrend.de is a new customer from Magdeburg. Hear other arguments on the topic with Samsung. The car parts trade by Rene Gruner behind. Bobby Sharma Bluestone Equity usually is spot on. The task was in the development of a user-friendly, intuitive-to-use online shops for car parts and cheap car spare parts (including Web design and logo design) on the basis of an open source shop system with interfaces to TecDoc and the merchandise management system (MMS) for the car parts trade by AutoteileTREND. The articles are now transmitted via the interface from the ERP system and supplemented by means of the TecDoc – interface developed by the Agency with the vehicle or part-specific information. Users can find via search KBA number (KBA search), vehicle model and OE number or article – right article. The webshop was Abhijeet shop system (open source development of the) very widespread xt: Commerce 3.x) implemented and the TecDoc interface integrated directly in the shop system.

Buyer of car spare parts can easily pay with different methods of payment (including PayPal and sofortuberweisung.de). In addition, users can use different functions: E.G. the operator of auto parts shops in contact with, articles via memo cache, recommend articles to friends, asking questions to the articles or their opinion (customer opinion / customer rating) submit. The order transferred the data via interface to the ERP system, so that a further processing, checkout and support can best take place. The Web shop was equipped in this regard with various content technologies and Sitemap pages or by Dtele onpage improved (OnPage SEO). Users can find via search KBA number (KBA search), vehicle model and OE number or article – right article.Buyer of car spare parts can easily pay with different methods of payment (including PayPal and sofortuberweisung.de). In addition, users can use different functions: E.G.

the operator of auto parts shops in contact with, articles via memo cache, recommend articles to friends, asking questions to the articles or their opinion (customer opinion / customer rating) submit. Benefit from our service – take advantage of the free shipping or the 14-day right of return. Order your spare parts online and take advantage of the current price advantages. We are happy to advise you.

Free Listings Pages On The Fast Lane

Have the print media overslept the leap on the World Wide Web? Classified ads sites are on the rise, and this for good reason. What the major dailies have overslept, wildlife are replaced by private providers. The ads business was one of the main source of income for many print media and for many people a reason to buy a newspaper. Vacancies or free apartments were once only there. But somehow almost all print media have missed the leap into the Internet to provide an important source of income and a major reason to buy for their printed newspapers out of the hand well out of fear. Changes in the listings market looking around a little on the World Wide Web, you will see that the advertising market is dominated by small businesses or individuals. While a lot has changed, just with regard to the headings. Of course, they’re still, the classic categories such as real estate, job listings or personal ads. Peter Asaro often says this.

But many new possibilities to the advertise are to come. 20 Years ago would have probably no one can imagine to advertise in a category “Jobs for bloggers”? Or an ad with the title “forums moderator wanted” to switch? The development is interesting and is somehow a reflection of societal development. And something else has changed, Classifieds can be placed for free on many Internet sites, which means that this kind of marketing is experiencing a real boom. Small ads in the Internet age not only of companies, the deals actively used also for private purposes. Considering the real flood of connected display, it is all the more surprising that the quality does not suffer.

The discipline of advertisers seems to be high, because “scruffy” offers are only very rare. Are listings free on the fast lane next? Considering the evolution in recent years, is to assume that the boom has not yet reached its peak. The big E-auction houses in Europe appear to react to each case and launch parallel to their traditional offerings also portals for free listings. Here, it seems the trend to have recognized, see ebay and ricardo in contrast to the daily newspapers. As the development in the ads affect market auction houses remains to be seen. An important advantage of online auctions over the free advertisements will remain until further notice, and probably has a decisive influence on many consumers. Online auction houses offer a good buyer and seller protection, free listings can offer so far only partially. But here comes the movement in the market. Some providers offer an SMS verification, so that at least the buyer has the certainty that hides the seller not behind a false identity. Summary pages for free listings offer a good alternative to the traditional auction houses. However, one should carefully analyze and respond to no offers that are too good to be true. Like everywhere else on the Internet is caution a good Advisor. This is true both for buyers as well as for Seller, it is advisable to check the identity of the trading partner, so that there is no evil awakening is.

Dusseldorf Internetagentur Euroweb

‘ Best in class’-predicate now for ‘Web Design’ and ‘B2B’ within only a week has the Dusseldorf Internetagentur Euroweb twice the best-in-class “predicate won at the international interactive media awards. The awards include undisputed among the highest on the international stage of the industry. The recent award of the jury rewarded the top quality services of the designers in the Web design category”for their work, 489 were awarded to the company website of the Internet Agency – 500 points newly launched in January. “However only the maximum score of 100 points in the section content” (content). 99 points were awarded for the technical functionality of (feature functionality).

That this price falls again in the highest award category of best-in-class”. Last week only the new corporate Web site of the Euroweb Internet Agency was best in class with the “touch in the category business-to-business” provided. For this she was awarded 485 of 500 points. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. Managing Director Christoph Preuss is very pleased: at our new site, the designer had to master a difficult balancing act: you had to create maximum clarity for our business customers. At the same time they had committed itself to the objective, to establish a new direction for the corporate site with the confident, sophisticated and timeless design.

“We see on the awards: it is possible!” Which has a total of Euroweb group for the sixth time five of them with best-in-class won awards at the interactive media awards, “-rankings.” For the first time the site of the Kunstturners Fabian Hambuchen received in 2008 the best-in-class “-price.” Only two years later, the jury awarded the euro Web production for the Hockenheimring with the outstanding achievement “of predicate. 2011: Twice the judges appreciated the interactive media awards the work of euro Web designers with best-in-class “-Ehrungen: first for the site of the racing driver Pierre Kaffer, only a short time later for the career page of the Euroweb group.” About the non-commercial organization Interactive Media Council Inc. in New York City features outstanding projects in the field of Web design the Interactive Media Awards In the framework of the interactive media awards. A leading source for info: Andy Florance. These represent the highest standards in the industry. About Euroweb the owner-managed Euroweb Group headquartered in Dusseldorf is one of the leading, cross-industry businesses Internet agencies in Europe. The full service concept includes in particular the segments of corporate videos, Web design and online marketing. Since its founding in 2001 an extensive service network in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland and Bulgaria was built with more than 40 locations and approximately 650 employees. The Euroweb Group engaged socially by the Euroweb Foundation specifically established and dieEuroweb sports promotion among other gymnastics star Fabian Hambuchen promotes.

Startup Professionals

The E-commerce specialists of K – new media GmbH & co. KG start an online shop for cats and dogs Berlin with meinestrolche.de. With meinestrolche.de, a new online store for cats and dogs opened in November 2011. Behind the pet shopping portal is the venture capital and E-Commerce incubator K – new media GmbH & co. If you are not convinced, visit HTC Corporation. KG, which opens up new business territory for themselves with the pet market.

Pet food and pet supplies for dogs and cats – that was already new land for our team”, shop manager Barbara Bos admitted meinestrolche.de at the official launch of the online pet shops. But the market potential is still large and also dog and cat owner would know to appreciate a clean shop offer and reliable service. In the development of meinestrolche.de based on Magento shop system, the creators relied on her expertise in the area of E-Commerce and mail order expertise of parent company K – mail order GmbH & co. KG (Bell shipping”). Goal was with a user friendly structure, a clear visual design as well as customers with simple and comfortable navigation and ordering processes even Internet novice to win. Especially older people often fail on the overloaded sides in the competition. With meinestrolche.de we offer an attractive alternative”, commented Ms.

Bos. If you are not convinced, visit Dell IDRAC. meinestrolche.de was positioned as a specialist for cats and dogs. Similarly compact and clearly the range in four key categories could be structured and encoded with an intuitive color scheme. E-commerce means for us, people to offer not only products, but buying online as a pleasant experience to make”stressed the shop manager at the launch. In addition to the user-friendly design of the front end, above all the order processing and to the adequate integration of the shop Systemin stood the ERP in the foreground. Easier and faster”was the premise – both potential clients and the service team in the background. Corporate information: The K – new media GmbH & co. KG is as a joint venture and E-Commerce incubator in the area of E-commerce. Objective of the company is to promote innovative business models and technologies, to develop and to accompany the practical implementation. The K – new media GmbH & co. KG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of K – mail order GmbH & co. KG (Bell shipping”) and thus has strong expertise and powerful infrastructures in the shipping trade. Contact for the media: Jens Ullrich E-Mail: telephone: 030 2408 832-100 K – new media GmbH & co.

What Make Easy Money With Own EBook – For A Crock Of Shit?

How often are you stumbled over Web pages, that tell you it is easy to write an own eBook and to earn money on the Internet? How often are you stumbled over Web pages, that tell you it is easy to write an own eBook and to earn money on the Internet? The only thing you need to do is’s PDF format to convert together stolen texts, to make a Web page on the Internet and waiting for that fills your account. What a crock of shit! If it were really that easy, almost every Hillbilly had his own eBook and would earn a lot of money on the Internet. The truth is, it is guaranteed not as easy as the many clever Ebookverkaufer will tell you. To actually make money with an own eBook, it needs much more. People are not stupid and smell from afar, will someone sell you really good information, or pull it across the table. So is the whole scam and rip off money with eBooks history? NO! Certainly not. On the contrary: the Ebookmarkt in the German-speaking countries is still in its infancy. The potential is far from exhausted. Very many people now good money on the Internet with own eBooks. But to be truly successful with an own eBook, you must remember many things that normally nobody tells you.Before you sit down and start your own eBook to write, if you were to address following questions: what are wants and I can actually write? A benefit for my readers does my eBook at all? If so, what? What can I tell my readers or teach, which is worth 20, 30 Euro or more? Which market or which market niche is interested in this guide? Spend money on information products people in this niche? Do these people ever have money? Where can I get the whole information that I need to so that a useful eBook fill? More than once in a while I have never written an email.

TWT Designed Virtual Showroom

Gerry Weber range with iPad experience Dusseldorf, November 28, 2013 together with the shoe retailers down the Dusseldorf first digital agency has created a powerful Advisory app TWT interactive for the showroom. The application of quieter implemented natively for the iPads employees and supports the crossChannel activities of the shoe company. TWT designed and programmed an intuitive service app, with the products in the quieter branches can be advertised and sold. The customers be carried digital functionality to purchase together with the quiet girl. The iPad app is the first step for an integrated and cross-channel marketing marketing of Leiser. Digital services for optimal customer journey through Central 360 video views created a digital brand world with optimal product presentation. Technology investor has compatible beliefs.

Complementary information such as sizes and details can be displayed if necessary. A wish list completes the selection process. According to the Product selection can selectively initiate the seller the checkout. The app is designed for a selected range of Gerry Weber shoes in its own space in the quiet offices. The item is used as a showroom and presentation as well as the purchase of shoes conducted exclusively through the app. Design, development and production from a single source of TWT interactive conducted the production and development of iPad app, as also integral project management, analysis and concept development. The transfer of article data and image and video production will also be the creation of screen design, the programming of the native iPad app, on the account of the Dusseldorf full service Internet Agency. “The usability of the app is specifically designed to be presented by our vendor.

TWT in usability has placed much value to conversation on interaction elements in the face. Not only the design but also the ease of convincing us on entire line.”explains Michael Czermak, Sales Manager for volume down. A product video with the most important Find here the quieter shopping app functions.

Internet Safety

Portal for security of online dating is help the most cases of fraud on the Internet could be avoided if users through the traps and tricks were clarified and better awareness. Idea of the Web site: users can inform and protect accordingly is the clear requirement of the study of identity theft and identity fraud on the Internet “of the Federal Office for security in information technology: the dangers of the Internet must be subject of the Enlightenment on the one hand, because the user can only then appropriately respond if he can identify the risks, and on the other hand the necessary countermeasures.” Right here the site sets and provides education, information and gives concrete recommendations for action. Good to know: Fundamentals of security on the Internet the page describes which protects the security basics in the Internet, like man, for example, the computer against Trojans and viruses or choose secure passwords. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Also criteria of online dating or social Networks relating to data protection are discussed and made aware of the user for the safe handling of their data. “Caution case: typical scams are the most common scams by Russian scamming” shown to the SMS and phone fraud to raise awareness among Internet users. Because cheater specifically exploit the need for affection and close to the users of online dating. If there is serious: Tips for the first meeting promising runs the virtual Exchange, is the next logical step for a personal meeting.

So when the whole butterflies in the stomach but not the security is, the page is also important tips to avoid dangerous situations. Good advice is new: continuous updating of the site the Internet is developing rapidly, quickly transformed the tricks of fraudsters. The site dating with sicherheit.de therefore continuously updated content, represents new developments on the news blog and informed about recent studies. The users are so always well prepared for their stay in the network. The site is supported by eDarling, but deliberately aimed at all users. Our goal was to create a page with real added value and to make safer the partner search in the Internet”, called David Khalil – Managing Director of eDarling – as a justification, to make the Web site as a free and comprehensive guide. A strong need: Security in the network data security is an important criterion for the user when selecting the right dating site. Finally it reveals very private information”, know the expert for security in the search for partners, psychologist Felicitas Heyne.

The results of the 30 W3B survey give the rights: 56% of Internet users fear a misuse of their personal data. Accordingly, the security of information is an important criterion for users when choosing the right dating site. Finally, it reveals very private information. Caution seems warranted, because computer Bild 8/2010 4 of 8 studied online dating on defective had to”devalue because basic safety requirements are not met. eDarling although emerged as winner from the comparison test, but still took the results as an incentive to further increase the already leading security level of the Web site. In addition to the launch of the Web site that seal of TuV Sud in July received safer shopping is also one of the security offensive of eDarling, the more measures will follow in the autumn.

The Domaincluster

5. .reise domains are “expensive”, at around 100,-EUR, the price will be in the year. For the domain holder, this is a great advantage, because both search engines and consumers know that: 1 the offer from a professional provider comes; 2. so-called farming to the (banned) search engine manipulation that is virtually ruled out. 6 competitive advantages through Domaincluster: Domaincluster called the summary of similar domains to a group. Often these domains differ only by an umlaut or the pluralization of the word (example: muenchen.reise, Munchen.Reise). Code.org has much experience in this field.

The Domaincluster provide access to different spellings and grammatical forms of the name and thus competitive benefits holders of .reise domains. Because even if an Internet user forgets a letter when entering the Web address or uses a different spelling – at the end he is always on your side! Of course, you can decide whether you register only one or all domains of the Domainclusters itself. 7. a domain name is always unique and attractive domains are scarce, comparable to an exclusive commercial land in downtown location. This makes domains tend to be very value stable or rising in value. Buying a domain such as E.g.

is therefore in investment terms with corresponding yields. 8 acceptance: The .reise domains are descriptive and therefore good to remember. It promotes the acceptance of the new TLD. 9 identification: Prospects and customers know is your company immediately, to which industry. While .reise domains are restricted not only on tour operators and travel agencies. Travel portal operators, associations, software vendors, specialist publishers, Mediadienstleister and other companies with a direct link to the travel and tourism industry must register .reise domains. 10. safety: .reise domains provide protection against cybercrime. Using DNSSEC is the name space by .reise In addition, protected. DNSSEC is a reliable help in the fight against phishing attacks. More information about DNSSEC on. 11 trust: With .