With the new Expedia Hotel view, travelers now advance virtually explore the surroundings of Hotel Munich, 15.09.2010 58 percent of those polled have already experienced, that the Hotel pictures have not concurred with the reality on the ground. Credible information they search especially on independent online travel portals (63 percent) and customer reviews (68 percent). This resulted in an online survey by Expedia.de *. The results show what is important to the Germans in the hotel search and what sources they trust at the time of booking. With the new Expedia Hotel view Expedia.de enables travellers from immediately a virtual visit of the hotel and its surroundings. Honest information on the Internet looking for German online users, the Internet is the most important and most credible source of information in the search for accommodation. 80 percent of those surveyed research on hotel evaluation portals and search engines.
68 percent are online travel portals and 76 percent on the Web pages of the hotels on the road. Rather, the majority relies on the own online research as on Recommendations of friends and acquaintances (51 percent) or travel reports in the media (11%). Dealing with reliable facts, are independent online travel portals with 63 percent approval just behind customer and guest reviews (68 per cent). All a question of the situation of the hotel booking is for just under two-thirds above all on the location and the surroundings. 73 percent find out about maps and directions on the Internet. In addition to room recordings (95 percent), pictures of the exterior of the hotel (68 per cent) and the environment (51 per cent) are important.
The extensive research can be assured over 98 per cent of respondents found the right hotel. Virtual see tour with Expedia Hotel view with the new function Expedia Hotel view online bookers immediately prior to departure exactly, what to expect. Expedia while cooperating with Google and linked the Google Street view technology with the hotel data available on Expedia.de. As Expedia.de customers have not only access to hotel photos and 360 degree views, but also on the current Exterior view of the hotel and its surroundings. The function is accessible via. The stark truth facilitates decision-making and gives an authentic picture of the vacation spot in advance. Located opposite a nice restaurant or a small Cafe? The Park around the corner to the morning jog is suitable or is he only a Green Strip for dog owners? In addition, information on rates, availability, guest reviews and interiors of the hotel displays the users in addition to the location of the hotel. Our customers learn more and trusting information to the requested hotel Expedia Hotel view of firsthand. We give them”so the security of thousands of accommodation to choose from the best, says Alex Gisbert, Director of online partner marketing, Expedia EMEA. Europeans rely on own research independent portals and guest reviews for French and Italians are trustful than the opinion of friends and acquaintances. The Spaniard is in addition to Customer reviews especially the Web page of the hotel one important source of information. The own research is all up in the course. German set value at a glance on the environment, French and Italians that is less important. The three Nations would not miss also the exterior of the hotel. The Spanish in turn want prefer a sea or lake view * background: the online survey was conducted end of June by Expedia in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. 1,608 Expedia customers took part.