Contextualizao the Global Model of Data – MGD appeared of the necessity of a transversal vision of the information used for Macroprocesso de Planejamento, Budget and Finances, carried through for the Ministry of the Planning This model it is a map integrated and dynamic of all the data that compose represented the Estruturantes Systems of the Federal Government in high level and from a simple and objective notation, of easy understanding and assimilation, with intention to support systems of decision taking. Estruturantes systems the central nucleus of administrative management of the Federal Government also understands a set of called systems of information Systems of Gesto Administrativa (SGA) or Estruturantes Systems of Government. Each one of these systems is responsible for a process of governmental management, as planning, elaboration and accompaniment of the budget, administration of human resources, governmental allocation of positions to the structures of the Federal Government, purchases, accompaniment of the programs and action of the Government and financial and countable administration, among others. Lack of integration between systems the integration enters these systems does not occur e, thus, each one operates separately, limiting its efficiency and the administrative management of better quality, considering itself it premise that the administrative management of the Federal Government would be more efficient case these systems was integrated, extending the context vision and making possible one better control of the information generated and treated for these systems. Creation of a Transversal model the MGD appears as solution for the problem of the lack of integration of data in Macroprocesso Planning Budget and Finances? MPOF, proposal for the Committee of Macroprocesso Budgetary-Financier, composition for representatives of the Ministry of the Planning, Budget and Management? MPOG and of the Treasury department – MF. The Federal Service of Processing of Dados (SERPRO) was the percursor in the construction of this model counting on participation of the MPOG and the MF, that already had had its shaped data.
Archive for October, 2012
On the matter it contributes to us, that exists clients more profitable than others. To think the trade as a flat increase of clients is a serious error. In many occasions 10 excellent clients can be more valuable that 100. It is fundamental, that the companies base their strategies of trade under criteria of most profitable focusing and segmentation since this way are the profiles of more suitable clients and. Another important aspect is To sell product, without including/understanding and to respond to the real needs of the consumers, on it comments to us, that the development of any product at present, is not born from a supply criterion, is born from a demand criterion, that is to say, the new products are due to develop with base in the preferences of the consumers. This reality generates the necessity that the companies must think constantly about the needs of their clients and the forms in which better their needs can be solved. Additionally, no policy of trade must forget the economic, social surroundings and of competition that confronts.
By all means, there are other errors that must be considered and be avoided that they arise, for example all concerning which must be the publicity adapted in the present reality, at a time at which the information systems, computer science, intenert provide new openings, reaches in many aspects. As well as, the establishment, selection of the channels of more effective, effective, profitable distribution, considering the new ones openings that have occurred thanks to Intenert, to mention some. The systems of markets must be totally identified with the needs, demands, behavior of the consumer in order to guarantee satisfaction, identification, fidelity. Like in addition, we suggest a modern redefinition of the functions of markets where the new topics that the marketing research has developed and to never neglect the relevance and reach are involved that is derived from knowing how to use the investigation of markets suitably, among others. * Notes of chair of Marketing research, program of postgraduate of management of the Quality and productivity, virtual classroom, Area of Postgraduate of Phases, university of Carabobo. Original author and source of the article.
It is for that reason that is developed east analysis of the recognized cuatros software in the Web more, to present the possibility that exists to interchange the information among them, through the metadatos, interchangeable formats and communication protocols as they are them: OAI and Z39.50. When technological solutions for the information units consider and it is easy to lose itself in means of the variety, by ignorance of the tool or the deficiency of functions of the same. When they are spoken of contained integrated systems of management, like solutions to automate the units of information and the processes that involve so much the office staff as the technicians, we must involve all the levels of the units, to ensure the automatization success and thus to be able to create networks cooperators specialized in areas of the human knowledge, since it will allow to integrate in a scientist-social community and to diminish the call technological dependency, as well as the isolation among them. interchange and the document recovery through the information systems, will have to be limited the agents authorized and defined in the policies and/or rules approved by a committee for the interoperability of metadatos for the document management with the intention of facilitating the interchange and the recovery of documents that the process regulates. In addition to make use of a mechanism to locate and to document to the access or modifications realised on the metadatos.
Also, the metadatos are an inseparable part of the document management, that has diverse functions and objectives, the metadatos are defined as data that describe the context, content and structure of documents. The metadatos are structured or semistructured information that it makes possible the creation, registry, classification, access, conservation and disposition of documents throughout the time and within a same dominion or between different dominions. The dominions represent an area of the intellectual speech and the social activity or the organization developed by an own group or limited of individuals that share certain values and knowledge.