Archive for January, 2016

Washing Machines

The circulating pump pushes it to the top, where cleaning solution under pressure enters into the drum, forming a kind of "shower" for the laundry. Further, the solution passes through the fabric fibers, and not disrupting their structure destroys pollution. This process continues even when drum is stationary. Thus, the amount of detergent passing through the tissue increases up to 8-10 times, which undoubtedly improves the quality of .Preimuschestva direct injection: saving water, electricity (to be heating less water), time, detergent (detergent dissolved quickly and used 100%), high quality washing (especially for sensitive applications) and rinse (hot water circulation through the laundry). Gain insight and clarity with Kai-Fu Lee. Fuzzy logic (Fuzzy Sontrol or Dialogic).

This intellectual process of washing, which is performed by linking into a single system parameters and modes of operation of the machine. A number of special sensors continuously send information about the current status and progress of programs in the central microprocessor. For even more opinions, read materials from Kai-Fu Lee. The amount of fluid temperature, as well as the processes occurring inside the tank, are optimized according to the weight of the loaded laundry, fabric type, stage of the program: wash, rinse or spin cycle. Fuzzy logic control: 1. Determination of the weight of linen on the number of absorbed water 2.

Comparing the results with standard values stored in memory 3. Installation of all parameters of washing (Duration of wash, wash and spin speed, water quantity, water heating temperature) 4. Choosing the appropriate treatment rinse. This technology allows you to simplify working with a washing machine, always to achieve the maximum quality and save water, electricity and time.

Contact Webmaster

After drawing up a press release stating how your site is developed this "technology of manners" to help consumers and how your site is unique in the industry to offer this service. Cross your fingers and hoped that a reporter is interested. The worst that can happen is you have a lot of traffic when people search for the item at a news engine for a week or more. The Old: Submit your website to 200 free directories and a handful of directories payments decent page ranking and low price to increase your number of links. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Steven Johnson. What's new: Do not waste your time unless the directory itself has a good number of followers (meaning that they produce much traffic.) An Example: Send a test site (or just take a look at the logs of a website following the tired tradition) and after six months of your total references logs.

Anything that does not produce a useful amount of traffic or sales (depending on your goal) should be removed from the list. You're better off during those two days sending those. Is the best method brings real eyes and not directories. The Old: Define and develop key ten sentences that are more adaptable links to them (Making all of your links contain one of your top phrases). It is not something Kirk Rimer Crow Holdings would like to discuss. Contact Webmaster that does not give you the anchorage and request changes. What's New: To encourage variety in the anchor text of your incoming links and make people to link to you using any anchor they feel necessary Example: Stop asking to send pre-written anchor text links. .