So that the use of these resources happens successfully, if it makes necessary the existence of a previous planning, enabled professors to guide the pupils, and that it shows to which the objectives to them established for the accomplishment of the activities, searching to explore to the maximum the potential of learning of these pupils. The difficulties that some educators are facing to make use of the resources of technology and the new forms of to construct to the learning the pupil together with, they are consequences of the way as that these resources had arrived at the schools, fast and without it had qualification in order to instruct them and to show them the advantage to have these resources as its ally in the educational process. However, this is not reason so that excessively involved professors and are of are of these changes, in the truth, are we who we must construct to the ways for this innovative form of education, formatting together, professors and pupils the possibilities of construction of the knowledge that more will be adjusted to the conditions where they are contextualizados. .
Archive for December, 2014
Let us not forget, says Hector Lerma Jasso, a well-known poet wrote: Who is not happy in his job, is not the eminent. Referred to the work of the College Professor, the craft comes to be a professional occupation, made with science and technique, talent and enthusiasm, manages to give this artificial institution which is the University, its maximum human and cultural value and its firmer contact with reality. This craft is what converts or must be converted to the University in light of culture workshop and moral conscience of society. University among whose objectives are, according to Victor Savoy: transmission and discussion of knowledge more advanced in all fields; research oriented towards the increase of knowledge, without abandoning the possibility of immediate and practical results; and to prepare scientific and technically top-level professionals. Or, said by Ortega y Gasset: teach to be educated man; teach to be good professional, and a research center.
Like all ex officio, University Professor is the response to a call. Limiting ourselves to the natural order, can be understood by vocation that inner impulse that affects natural or culturally to an individual, towards the exercise of certain labor activity, which found a high degree of personal satisfaction. Spirit of effective service and personal satisfaction in that service are, therefore, the main features of the vocation. Remember, Lerma, he says that the teacher communicates knowledge and helps to assimilate it, has a great responsibility and, in many cases, students come to see the teacher as a safe guide in the University, the profession and life. Why the teacher need character, prestige and authority. Not it usurps the authority. This emanates from the influence exerted by his personality.
The true authority of Professor consists, rather, in the ascendant, respect and affection of a few students who see how surrenders to its work; that you feel understood; that never hurts and always encouraged; It punishes without offending; It is fair, because it gives to each what belongs; that your surroundings there is work, learning, tranquility and good humor. This can only be the faithful reflection of a rich and harmonious inner life. Finally, let’s take note that Jaspers CITES us, is assigned to Professor the Mission of arouse and stimulate the student to awaken the consciousness of your own responsibility in the realization of itself. The student should arrive to take charge of their own training, with the help of others and through the proper use of their freedom. Your task is to pass from the in, mode there is irresponsible and impersonal, to ‘be for Yes’, who knows perform with conscience and freedom their own personality. We share, with Francisco Michavila, that the Professor taught classes, has define and develop targets teachers of their subjects, review didactic methodologies incorporating techniques and convenient resources, prepare the necessary materials, develop assessment methods that stimulate active teaching, establish useful programs of virtual and face-to-face tutorials, update and sort the contents in an optimal manner, and so on. For the renewal of the educational methodology is feasible, it is essential educational tasks are characterized by the existence of greater interaction between teachers and pupils, greater use of new technological resources and greater cooperation between teachers, to the systematic incorporation of interdisciplinary teaching teams. original author and source of the article.
It also knows that it has beneficial effects on liver health and prevents the formation of gallstones. According to a study conducted by the service of Endocrinology and nutrition of Universitario Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga, oleic acid plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of a healthy body weight, since it is known that it is involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism and body weight balance. Besides the indisputable value of its properties at a cosmetic level, applying it to the skin of the body, contributing to the same nutrition suitable for the regeneration of tissues. The acid linoleicoExclusivamente from a source of plant foods, linoleic acid is the most sought of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.It is the third part the total composition of the Virgin argan oil. (Hypocholesterolemic) ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood is notable.The recommended daily intake of this fatty acid is 5 to 6 grams, the daily consumption of only 2 ounces of Virgin argan oil could satisfy the needs of linoleic acid to a diet containing lipids of origin. TocoferolesLos tocopherols or vitamin E, including vitamin famous (tocopherol), are the biochemical components of the second largest part of the composition of the Virgin argan oil: 620 mg. / kg (320 mg.
/ Kg.) For olive oil). Folding in your quantity to own olive oil, so wonderful in our culture and power. We know that they contribute to the ongoing development of all parts of the body, but also for its stimulant properties in antioxidant defense of cells. Vitamin could delay Cellular Aging through its action on the decrease in susceptibility to the phenomenon of the membrane per oxidation. Recognized for its traditional cosmetic and pharmaceutical qualities, Argan oil has already attracted to large laboratories that now integrate (with moderation and in the elaborate form) in their ranges of care for dry and dehydrated skins.
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Similar as for a cheap car insurance takes over, or the insured under a certain legal expenses deductible, which can affect downward with increasing the agreed sum to the monthly premiums. Statistical surveys have shown that the level of excesses in the German insurance companies usually around 100-300 are localized. is highly recommended by professionals who offer a good legal settlement, however, the coverage in a strictly legal expenses well above the minimum limit to complete as part of contract negotiations. At the latest when the first open to the acquisition costs due to the cheap car insurance is a dispute between the Unfallparteinen unclear situations shall, in no time processes take their time, which brings in this case rapidly extreme costs.
The beach is the realm of permissiveness, at least while being walked you towel. It is also the place where experiment morbid go naked to open sky. Is not created on any beach and in any situation, what is going. Mine is not a totally free nude, desacomplejado and desculpabilizado, on the contrary, is very sick and I live without being able to let go of much of the warnings against nudity and Sin on their day in my malleable spirit imbued by the missionaries of the Sacred Heart fathers. em. I only occasionally take bathing suit two weeks I summer in Formentera, as now but quiet, as I write these lines I cover with my old and baqueteados shorts style gurka-kaki, almost only to bathe me and never when I have the slightest suspicion that there are jellyfish. A friend, Jorge Ll., did not take into consideration this last and simple rule and his agony on the shore, holding between seizures bass with both hands, looked like a scene taken from the initial save footage to private Ryan. We even think to put end point to their suffering, but is difficult to finalize to someone with a t-shirt racket, especially when both moves. Source of the news:: naked sea.