Archive for November, 2013

Security Appliance

Weight of protection should be as low as possible while ensuring the necessary rigidity and strength. Therefore, its value in the existing protections in the range 7-15 kg, which does not significantly increased load on the front axle. The security appliance casing shape and dimensions of security arrangement in her various holes and mounting locations are determined by design of the car. The holes are needed to: attachment to the body, drain the oil from the engine and gearbox; ventilation. Fixing protection by means of: standard and special bolts, nuts, washers, different, etc. transitional bracket required in the case where power components of the body are high.

Their strength must be sufficient to withstand the load during the impact, legs, made of strips of metal welded to it, traverses a rigid profile, eg pipes. Additional elements of design: cushioning pads mounted on the protection of areas located closest to the engine, gearbox and body elements. This is due to the fact that after the bounce the gap between protection and sump may decrease or become zero. Then, coming into contact with the engine, it makes quite an unpleasant sound (to restore the defense has to turn down the gap down the mount), metal or plastic side wings, set on defense, protecting the engine compartment from dirt. Types of decorative coatings.

Most domestic manufacturers of steel protective covers its products with powder epoksipoliefirnoy paint hot curing. Such coverage is fairly durable in a neat ride. Cheap products for domestic cars paint nitroenamels usual. But even the best quality coverage is not can withstand the mechanical stress, such as running over the curb while parking. Protection of structural steel – relatively cheap material 2-3 mm thick – were most common. Plasticity allows you to have on the product by stamping ribs. Such protection can be easily editing in the case of deformation on impact. Protection of aluminum lighter than steel, but about five times more expensive. So basically They are placed on sports cars, where weight is critical. For the protection of manufacturing is used as a soft alloy aluminum and heat-treated (duralumin) D16T or B95. On the strength of duralumin is not inferior to steel, but a low ductility can not punch ribs. The design of such protection is most often a flat sheet of a thickness of 7-10 mm with a few slight bends and cross-holes for mounting and ventilation. Heat-protection straighten after hitting much harder. Plastic protection made of composite materials consisting of a base – the reinforcing fibers and binder – resin. As a basis more often use of fiberglass, at least – ugletkan (carbon), which is more expensive and less technological. The most resistant composite material for protection – Kevlar fabric, designed for body armor, but its high price limits application. For specific strength of glass and carbon fiber is 1.5-fold, and Kevlar – 2.5 times greater than steel, which allows us to protect better. However, composites do not take concentrated loads. When hit by a sharp object resin crumbles, and fibers that have lost support, break down. Therefore, the thickness of the composite protections must be increased to 8-12 mm, which reduces their weight advantage. Composite protection simultaneously perform the function of the anther, as completely cover the bottom of the engine compartment. Manufacturing technology allows us to give them any shape, but they are more expensive than steel. High strength fibers, increased thickness of the trough and the shape makes them very hard. If the composite crankcase is cracked, it can not be restored.

Varadero Artist

His stellar program: appointment with Rosita, and his presence at the Festival of Varadero 70, gave us a virtuous, talented, Rosita’s great imaginative flights, a refined voice, and a very personal voice timbre. Interpretations of difficult light songs, such as: by the andes of the ORB, Now, Cuba that adjoins is Cuba, Balada para un loco, one two and three, marry for love, Cecilia Valdez, guantanamera, tea output hope in eternity, and Guzman, Lecuona, artworks and other great composers, with beautiful dresses, dresses that mimicked the miniskirts, gold coins, or dressed in peasant or member, made those moments, a delivers absolute to the Cuban culture, so have never been forgotten, or overcome. His travels abroad, gave renown to Rosita Fornes, his endearing interviews in Mexico, giving samples of their culture, their artistic talent, and his great modesty, made it vibrate in the recitals which offered in the Aztec country, in the Decade of the 1980s. With admiration, and showing so much talent, we remember his forays into works such as: live in Fe, Confessions in Chinatown, Placido, swap, supporting roles, the last nights of Constantinople, and this recent tour of Cuba. All those who we admire, and grew up under his influence, his beautiful voice preserved, its undisputed presence of woman and artist, who gave us the best musical notes in this concert, live, nationwide, that made us tremble with joy, and the desire to sing with her eternally.

With its beautiful pleasure, a repertoire for more than one hour and forty-five minutes of acting and singing, she made us vibrate all joy, by the delivery of an art of great dimensions, as they will tell others: large carat, the delivery of an artist devoted towards his people, who admires her, want and love. Vale for well, this rose, which does not leave its petals fall, to stay as the most authentic of all roses, so it remains for the centuries of centuries: La Rosa-Fornes: for the artist, to the myth. To eternity.

Third Millennium

In this book, the virtual library rather than an alternative is the response that is needed. It is the strategy of survival that must be articulated, from a proper interpretation of the context in which develops.Since the introduction the author opens a large space for the debate, presenting multiple ideas that confront us, as the economy of knowledge, from which understands the context in which knowledge moves factors control, selection, purpose, power and capacity – elements that use the societies, in their struggle to be better equipped, more lists to understand, build and act upon that knowledge.Raising a new concept of information, part of a new concept or perhaps a new vision of what today is the middle. The primacy of the book as a single element, naked to dress it with images, colors, numbers, sounds, that are changing as fast as the world is changing. Mysteriously the information ceases to occur in a linear manner, as always the We had to become a multiple possibility, that is not already more to specific spaces, private premises or a user in particular. And in this radical change also change or are stripped all the old structures that nested this linear conception of information, its management, its handling: the traditional library, the curricula of schools of librarianship, services, processes, the same librarian.From this sort of demystification, there are a series of directions, from guides offered the book to understand and thus have the possibility of creating new ways of working within a wide range of information systems, embedded in this global society that mark us the guideline, if it isn’t that defines our work, and places us before continuing and new demands. And this is an additional wealth of the book: the interpretation and evaluation of systems, technologies, programs, experiences, which serve as great tools to visualize all possible strategies to create a virtual library.The author analyzes, from Latin America – the most unequal region of the planet, the possibility of escaping evil of exclusion, as Freire, defining it through an idea of different information, view this as a strategic product, where the levels of technological polarization will revert and serve to recover the capacity to act and be competitive. Such is the idea of centres of knowledge and networking.