And so it turns out, relying on smart car, vigilant and driving skills, but they are so important! After the car can just go down or go wrong. To gain system knowledge, taking into account the features of modern cars help a driving school in the heart of improving driving skills. This will enable not only polish their driving technique and the skills kontravariynogo driving, but also to comprehend the physics of its movement, based on what the principles of sports driving. In addition, often in such centers offer other services: car rental. In the Belarus branch of business relating to car hire, is developing very rapidly. However, fifteen years ago could hardly be assumed that we would have possible without any difficulty to hire a good, modern car, designed with the latest technology and developing great speed in minutes. In the case where a person urgently needed car, he could only rely on taxi services or assistance compassionate fellow motorists. However, no matter how surprising us it may seem, in the west of various companies began offering rental services cars for a long time, in those distant days when the car was something else out of the ordinary, can surprise the impressionable audience.
Rumor has it that the first rental car was Ford, who the U.S. merchant has received from some Joe Saunders, who started the business in such a way rental cars in the U.S. state of . The reason that he needed a car, was sufficiently commonplace: he hurried to a meeting with girl. Hard to believe, but it happened back in 1916. Anyway, business is gradually growing, gaining momentum and 20 years of the last century appeared the first car rental company, which still lead to European and American market. However, in those days, car rental was not the most respectable business, because cars often took fraudsters, burglars and other representatives of the underworld, quickly recognized the benefits this progress and have sufficient driving skills, but did not have funds to buy their own cars. Radically the situation has changed in the mid-30's, when cars became much more Many people have started to use the services of trainers representatives of car rental companies have appeared on stations, where their services gladly enjoyed the people caught in a strange city.
But Currently the development of business received since the Second World War. A role in this situation has played the development of air transport and opening of offices of companies that offer rental cars at airports. Companies became more and more, and the competition between them – all the harder. But the number of customers grew as improving the welfare of the inhabitants of Europe and America. Gradually, rental cars became popular in our country.