Who doesn’t know that? Hardly it is summer, already driving their flowering algae in ornamental fountains and reservoirs. That is not only highly unsightly, it stinks in many places also part to the sky. Langenfeld the 01.07.2010 – who doesn’t know this? Hardly it is summer, already driving their flowering algae in ornamental fountains and reservoirs. That is not only highly unsightly, it stinks in many places also part to the sky. But what to do? The chemical mace is not always the best approach of course a way, but with security, especially as humans and animals here certainly can be damaged, if the supposedly clean water is drunk. So, the use of water chemistry in public fountain and pool of water is strictly prohibited in the Switzerland, for example, but also in many German communities. But it is also different.
Novel coating systems on the basis of photocatalytic titanium dioxide are able effectively to decompose but also viruses and germs in the water all sorts of organic contaminants. It works only with the forces of light and oxygen, with the Raw material, titanium dioxide, is permitted even under the number E171 as food. Titanium dioxide is known also from the cosmetic or the paintbox. The beauty of the new coating is that their effectiveness is not consumed, as photocatalysis is repeatedly stimulated by sunlight. So, algae have no chance, which will prevent by coating quite incidentally also very effectively the spread of pathogenic (disease-causing agents). Due to their short life expectancy, they disappear almost completely. Even the dangerous Legionella bacteria and blue-green algae, which also belong to the family of bacteria, are decomposed effectively. To obtain the new coating in Germany under the brand name TitanShield. Learn more about technology and manufacturer under.