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Structure of elements of a page Web At the time of beginning the design of our page, agrees to realise an organized structure of all the elements, as much visible like hair nets. This way sera easier navigation on the part of the users, as the form to index our Web through the finders. Labels title the title of the page including inside and, appears in the results after a search. To include key words within the title, without exceeding in more than 60 characters Goals keywords Incluir 15 key words in combination at least two words, separated by commas, including misspelling. We imagine for example a company of sale of televisions in Madrid: sale Madrid televisions, televisions Madrid sale, Madrid televisions sale, to buy Madrid televisions. Goal description This part is recommended of not omitting, since in the results search, is what the users veran and there is where dependera of which they make click or no.

Include a description of at least 200 characters. Use of Javascript in head If we used part of code written in Javascript that uses functions within the head, we will include the code after the label description. Dynamic use of URL To avoid the utlizacin of urls as far as possible dynamic type pagina.php? id=60, using modrewrite to make urls friendly, similar to for example venta_coches_renault.htm and with associate titles the file in particular. Structure of headed To the finders it likes the headed use of h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. If some kind of problem with the size of the letter exists, to use style sheets to give format him. Distribution of connections No file must remain orphaned, that is like a small barren island.

They must remain all connected and distributed in sections by sections. It is not something Alina de Almeida would like to discuss. We have an example of a company that sells accessories for sports; Section tennis: zapatillas-tenis.htm – raquetas-tenis.htm – calcetines-tenis.htm Section soccer: botas-futbol.htm – camisetas-futbol.htm – pantalones-futbol.htm To create map of the Web Of equal way we can create a map of the Web with all the connections. This way we will help the motors search to one better indexing. We will not exceed more than 100 I connect by page. Finder in the Web we cannot forget either, the inclusion of a seeking intern, for the execution of a fast search.

Human Development In Venezuela

Carlos Blackberry vanegas president Hugo Chavez before uprising constant, of which all the efforts are due to do so that the Bolivariana Revolution reaches its basic objective to institute a socialism of the 21st century, cannot neglect what represents within its plans, kind being in relation to all those strategies, investigations, action, commitment that of step once and for all to commitments that unfortunately the previous governments did not give the relevance him, that favors the human development of the country. Our vision, more than a political commitment, of ideology, subjects that deserve another analysis, is the one to stress what represents the human development, a Venezuela contaminated of uncertainty, transition more, that confronts changes to which their inhabitants were not preparations, position its political history never had been fused with a government of socialist tendencies. The term Human Development talks about to the changes that the human being suffers throughout his life, like a global term that implies the maturation of the organism, of its structures and the corporal growth, as well as the influence of the atmosphere. It does not only imply the growth of the organism, nor either only the maturation of certain functions, but it contemplates the existence of certain conditions of the atmosphere that stimulate or harm this development and that, at the same time, presents/displays situations that the human being must confront, modify or modify, to solve, to adapt, to transform and to become like part of this process of Human Development. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Treadwell by clicking through. Comentapnud.org.ve/that the subject of the regional and local development acquired a greater importance in Venezuela as a result of the reforms about the decentralization initiated in 1989. The PNUD initiated in 1999 the validation of a strategy for Desarrollo Humano Local Sostenible (DHSL) that extended by four years to 22 municipalities of Venezuela. This strategy gave like result the production of a set of conceptual directions and methodologic tools directed to facilitate the beginning of the DHSL. .


Particularly, we think that much of the brilliant that is written it does not appear within reach of all, and tried that thus it is. You generally feel interest by the world of the literary edition or by Literature? DC: My personal interest is by Literature generally, by all means and with regard to personal tastes, I like to read novels. The edition is a full world of challenges, where there is to manage to conjugate the economic aspect, quality and development of ideas in a positive footpath. LM: Yes, by all means. Official site: Mikkel Svane. But before the edition always she is the artist.

Perhaps, the edition does not fascinate so much to me, rather interests to me writing and its subject, and the fact of being able to involve to me with them through the edition is extremely rewarding. My personal perception is that we are mounted in a wave that just begins to take form and force, good looking that the way that will take is the same that we have chosen for ROBS, is a bet based on the belief that the change is part of our reality, and not only the next years we will be listening of new features but the same will be vertiginous. At the present time it is possible to be read different articles that speak of the platforms of digital readings, moving to a certain extent to paper books, but within they will not only have not much to change publishing houses to continue competing, but the authors will not be solely text writers, since more and more, we will have authors who use the new technologies (created and to be created) for new ways to create contents, are these narrative, didactic or new styles. From where it comes the name ROBS? DC: IT ROBS comes from an idea that includes feelings of his owners, it is bound to our families and it as much has a personal meaning for Lucas as for me.

Interesting Ideas

The maintenance of post (articles) of blog is really a hard work all to blogger, is not easy to be updating blog regularly with quality articles. To write an article to the day is not great thing but the problem is to obtain those new ideas to write its next article. A form is to read other articles, and this way you can write an article giving him pursuit to that same article based on his own ideas. He remembers that you always must give to the followers of his blog them something outside the common thing. Here I share some ideas to them, that it will help him to obtain new ideas and thus it has something new of which to write every day.

Google Alerts (Alert of Google): Its niche of market or any other subject with Alertas de Google monitors, so that it can obtain the recent updates in his field reason why it is easier you to find out new things and thus it can get to write new subjects that without a doubt they emphasize between the multitude. To read others blogs: To read many blogs related to its niche. This practice would help to improve your knowledge of your field. And it would help to secure but subjects on which to write. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ali Partovi. If you like blog to not blogs forgets you To subscribe to feeds RSS of those so that it can obtain instantaneous updates in your reader of Google or your electronic mail.

It collaborates with another Blogeros: Chatea with your friendly and Co-blogger about its niche or any subject that can able obtain new advice. To read Magazines and Books If it is executing blog of technology to read magazines like PCfriend, chip and other related to technology so that estes updated with the present technology. People participate in the Forums uses the forum to obtain answer to her questions. The solution of its problems is a challenge since the answers of some of the errors can not be available in Google.


The key is here to raise a heavy weight to secure to the major possible result of this exercise. While you realise east exercise, also it tries to maintain your abdominal tight ones, since this will give an extra training him your abdominal ones and also it will protect your back, coming up that it double unnecessarily. It tries to incline plus the bank, to work the pectoral superiors and frontal deltoids, and to incline it less, to work the pectoral inferiors and the back deltoids. Robotics expert shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Oars These are a fantastic exercise for the part superior of the body that, mainly, points at the back and the biceps, as well as to a number of other muscles of the part superior of the body. To realise oars, like part of your training culturismo for nascent, will fortify the part superior of your body and it will give a back you widens hard and, ayudndote to prevent injuries. The key to realise this exercise, correctly, is to avoid to curve your back, which can be in an injury, and enfocarte in ” tensar” your muscles in the tip of each repetition – this is, when you have hauled the weight above, towards your body, tries to maintain it by a brief one secondly, instead of to only drop it immediately.

This will help to secure those gains you extra that they will make all the difference. As you can see, the key of all these exercises, to construct muscle, are to involve so many muscles as it is possible, to obtain that hormones follow their step freely – this is the key of the culturismo for nascent. This strategy will only work if it is combined with a low number of repetitions, we say 6-10, and heavy weights. When always looking for to raise more weight, you will stimulate your muscular gains and you will reach a faster growth; and the compound, described exercises previously, will allow to raise more weight you, since you will be involving many muscles to be able to do them.

Flexibility One

Many buildings have not been reinforced when the extra weight was added. * The structural marks must support the construction but the majority of the buildings, especially the ones of several floors, where the floors are constructed and the walls are only compatible with rest and in the walls, being based solely on their own weight. This could cause that the floor or the ceiling falls during the earthquake. * Sometimes, the buildings are constructed on soft land. In the same way, the buildings that are near the line of fault are more susceptible to the collapse. How we can cause that the buildings are more resistant to earthquakes? Flexibility One of the more important physical characteristics of the resistant buildings to earthquakes is the flexibility. The buildings in their foundations must be constructed to defy the movement of a side to the other. The highest buildings are naturally more flexible than the buildings of little height.

That is because the structures of little height, need a greater support to support the forces of an earthquake. Lighter materials Also are fundamental that the used construction equipments must be of light material. They can significantly help to reduce the amount of caused damages during an earthquake. On the other hand, the wood and the steel are better than the concrete nonreinforced or the rubblework, because these materials have a greater flexibility. To ligeresa major of the building, except the load. This is essential mainly when the weight is concentrated in highest. Floors, walls and partitions also must be of light material. Reinforced walls, beams and segments the walls also must be sufficiently strong to bear the burden of the swing of an earthquake. Learn more about this with Mikkel Svane. The walls must influence and go the same in both directions. By the way, strategically placed the beams and segments it must help to transfer the effects of the influence of the basic surfaces and their environs.


To look for between the options of the menu of Data the option of Validation of data. This will show a window how the one that follows In this it must indicate that it is due to only allow in this cell values in the list, indicating that they must be of our list of clients who we have named previously and it would become of the following way: In that screen, in the part where it says origin the rank of our list of clients is put preceding itself by an equal sign (in this example =ListClientes) Once done, in this cell would be the list of the clients that has registry. Note. Each that enters a client more likely has that to order the ready origin so that ordinate is of way and not to be looking for without success the client. Once realised this, it is required to continue this format for the other cells of this leaf in the column of Client.

It only passes mouse over the cell that already has this format and when to it appears itself of +, begins to extend on the other missing cells. Now in these cells it will be possible to be selected of a list of clients without fear to mistake to us and having a pursuit of our clients according to the type of information who we enter, adding the options of autofiltros. In the part superior or to generate a consultation with the option to add filters For example, we can show the total of the sales of certain client, to show you complete sales done to the same or simply to order them in agreement with the satisfaction level or in which months registered their greater orders. The possibilities are enormous and it only requires to have but updated the possible one its information in this file. IV. Conclusion To implement a CRM implies to raise a strategy to know that it looks for to obtain with, using as it bases the information that already owns the company and to involve to which they are related to the sales and the client, so that they enter the information and know like consulting it indeed.

Wilheim Leibnitz

It is possible to stand out that in year 1,663, the English Samuel Morland made a machine able to realise trigonometrical calculations and in year 1,666 created a machine very similar to the one of Pascal. In ao1.671 that the German mathematician Wilheim Leibnitz, who gave to the great passage towards the improvement of the machines calculators. Gottfried Wilheim. Wilheim was born in Leipzig in 1.646. Leibnitz arrived at the calculation through combinatory analysis, the annotation of the calculation so what and we know as it must to a large extent to this man.

Leibnitz created a machine that could add, remain, multiply and to divide, using the principles outlined by Pascal to realise the multiplication and division by means of the addition and the repeated subtraction, the elements keys in the machine of Leibnitz were the staggered cylinders, but it was not any commercial successful by same the reasons that their predecesoras, the first machines calculator that were designed with commercial aims were realised by Charles Xavier Thomas, in Alcasia and to them the staggered wheels of Leibnitz were gotten up. Leibnitz also studied by far success the binary system, which is the base of the modern computers. But the interest that had Leibnitz was religious but scientist and this did not turn in constructing a test of the existence of the supreme being (God). 1.5 THE PUNCHED CARDS, THE PRODUCTION IN SERIES. JACQUARD AND WHITNEY. The first punched card the weave loom, invented in 1.801 by the French Joseph-Marie Jacquard, still used at present, is controlled by means of punched cards. The loom of Jacquard operates of the following way: cards are perforated strategically and they comply in certain sequence to indicate a weave in particular. Charles Babbage, English visionary and university professor of Cambridge, could have accelerated the development if he and their inventive mind had been born 100 years later.

PC and Windows

With only following this simple guide you can give maintenance to your PC, increase its speed and have it free of errors. Next we give six practical advice with tools available in Windows 7, Vista and XP you Service Pack 3, who guaranteed a safe navigation and an efficient operation to you. 1. – It removes spyware and protgete of your virus. Spyware collects personal without it requests permission to you and often without you find out, we recommended to you to execute the first gratuitous program ” PC safety scan” of Windows Live OneCare, to verify that your equipment this free one of this type of infections. 2. – Disc space Releases. It uses the Tool of disc cleaning stops: To remove temporary files of Internet.

To erase program files unloaded unnecessarily as controls Activate X or applet of Java. To drain the Wastebasket of recycling. To remove temporary files as reports of errors. To erase optional components of Windows that no longer you use. To no longer erase programs that you use. To erase copies ghost and unnecessary points of restoration. 3.

– The speed of access to your information Accelerates. It uses the option of desfragmentacin of disc to consolidate all archives and folders, of that way you would use less space and to accelerate of your hard disk, he is recommendable to once make a desfragmentacin to the week, or when: You have added released I number of archives. Only you have left 15% less than or free space in your hard disk. When you have installed new versions of Windows. 4. – It detects and it repairs disc errors. Besides using the cleaning and desfragmentacin of disc, you can check the integrity of your disc using the utility of Control of errors. If you use your computer daily is recommendable to use this tool, at least once to the week, to prevent the lost one with information. 5. – The option of ReadyBoost Uses. If you use 7 Windows or Vista Windows you can use this option to use external devices like USB and memory cards in order to increase the operation of the system. 6. – Actualizate to Windows 7. If with all the previous steps your PC is not as fast as you want, perhaps it is hour to migrate to Windows 7 or to call to a professional.

CFE Servants

Nevertheless, although many already we are cured of frights, djeme I set out the reason to him reason why this case is still interesting. It is that the Department of Justice of the USA gave a to know by means of an official notice the investigation a network bribes by hundreds thousands dollars in which 4 civil servants of the Federal Commission of Electricity are implied. The official notice informs that John Or Shea, ex- manager of a branch of the American company Sugar Land (subsidiary of the corporative ABB Group) authorized in 1997 to bribe to four managers which not yet they occur to know his names in exchange for contracts. The operation was coordinated by the Mexican Mayan Fernando Basurto, who maintained contacts with these civil servants and whom its culpability 16 of November confessed the past. Or Shea, was accused of 18 violations the Law of Corrupt Practices abroad, where also positions of money laundering, document conspiracy and falsification are included.

According to the authorities, this branch signed at least two contracts with CFE by goods and services from 1997, first by implementing a Realtime information system of Administration and Control of Energa (SITRACEN) by 44mdd and the second in 2003 period in which he was to the order Felipe Caldern Hinojosa to renew the contract, to modernize and to give maintenance to the SITRACEN by 37mdd. The agreement with the corrupt managers of CFE was to give 10% to them of the money that Sugar Land obtained by the awardings, – that not even occurred by licitation. The bribes disguised like legitimate payments by technical services and of maintenance. As it is to be expected the reaction of the CFE was to define itself of the facts alleging that never it had knowledge of these acts, and until it interposed a penal denunciation that gave rise to the previous inquiry 136/2009 against that is responsible for corruption acts which they involve the American companies, which will be in charge of the Office of the public prosecutor for Crimes Committed by servants public of the PGR. Nevertheless, documents of one cut federal of the United States, assure that ABB informed at least into these facts to the Mexican authorities from 2004, when the company discovered this bribe and alerted to the Department of Justice of the United States and to Mexican authorities. The subject does not have for when to finish and in many cases is spoken in which Light and Force of the Center also participated in contracts with this company of Swiss origin; what by the way, its extinction justifies according to the federal Executive according to the presidential decree of the 11 of October. But the question is in the air, will be really the Federal Commission of Electricity company of world-wide stature?