Archive for January, 2013


This silbica hypothesis allows that the child centers its attention in the sonorous value of the words, but enters in contradiction, therefore if in level daily pay-silbico II the child rejects words with few letters, the problem happens when the written words are monosslabas. ' ' Monosslabo would have to be written with an only letter, but if it places a letter alone, the writing cannot read, that is, it does not have interpretao.' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p.25). For more information see this site: Jim Dondero. He creates thus a new cognitivo conflict that only if desconstri when the child has courage to understand a new process of construction. Alphabetical Silbico – it is the phase where the child to leave the silbica hypothesis to go to the meeting with the alphabetical level. ' ' When the child discovers that the syllable cannot be considered as a unit, but that it is, in turn, reanalisvel in lesser elements, socially enters the last step of the understanding of the system estabelecido' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 27). Blacksmith (1955) On the other hand, the not accepted child a letter for syllabifies as well as does not create no rule duplicating the amount of letter for syllable. Thus, the qualitative side ' ' the sound identity does not guarantee identity of letters, nor the identity of letters of sons' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 28). Thus, the final phase of the alfabetizao process is marked by the alphabetical level. According to Blacksmith (1995), at this moment, the child already won the obstacles of the system of representation of the written language, but this does not mean that all the obstacles are finished, therefore will face ortogrficos problems. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999) had contributed for the understanding of the system of representation of the writing, identifying that the citizen creates the elements that the system of writing constructs and for this, must understand the process of construction of the writing.


It is speculated on currently if this universe is all the universe or only plus that if it expands or if it contracts and that at some cosmic moment it will be able to meet with others in the same conditions or not. what &#039 would originate from this; ' shock universal' ' not yet it can at least be imagined by the mind of the human being. Others imagine that, if the Universe is in constant expansion, will arrive one ' ' momento' ' finite where it will have a return to the initial singularity, with a great condensation. It would be as a pulse, expansion-condensation, one distole ' ' seguida' ' of one sstole. In this in case that, time and space you are welcome would mean, therefore, this phenomenon would be, as it is today, imensurvel. How many times this already would have happened? We would be living deeply its first distole (expansion)? Or, in contrast, the universe already would be in the compressiva phase, returning the point ' ' inicial' '? In this in case that, nothing of eternity and nor of the infinite. , As they think some understood, infinite, but perhaps not perpetual, the limited infinite (for the start). What we know after all? One knows that when has many explanations, theories, for one alone fact, in the great majority of the times none of them is certain completely.

That is fact. In the confines of this universe it exists, among others of some largenesses, a called galaxy By Lactea. In this, some solar systems are discovered the all instant for the astronomers and other similar planets to the Land and of others not yet definitively elucidated, the all moment are announced in the media. I can imagine now that we live in a planet where, in contrast of what if it passes there it are, we only find the conditions of survival for the corporal instrument that characterizes each one of the beings livings creature that had been developed here and that still they are in full vital evolution.

Humanity Society

However, as the proper massificao, the alienation is generated and fed for one another mechanism: the ideology. Spider & Martins (apud Chau), makes the following comment: The ideology is a logical, systematic and coherent set of representations (ideas and values) and of norms or rules (of behavior) that they indicate and they prescribe to the members of the society what they must think and as they must think, what they must value and as they must value, what they must feel and as they must feel, what they must make and as they must make. It is, therefore, a body clarifying (representations) and practical (norms, rules, rules) of prescriptive, normative, regulating character, whose function is to give to the members of a society divided in classrooms a rational explanation for the social differences, cultural politics and, without never attributing such differences to the division of the society in classrooms, from the divisions in the sphere of the production. For the opposite, the function of the ideology is to erase the differences as of classrooms and to supply to the members of the society the feeling of the social identity, finding certain identification referenciais of all and for all, as, for example, the Humanity, the Freedom, the Equality, the Nation, or the State. Basically, the ideology is a systematic body of representation of norms that in ‘ ‘ ensinam’ ‘ to know and to act.

(1988, P. 70-71) On the same question, Cotrim, commenting Marilena Chau, it observes the following one: the ideology notion presents the following general traces: . priority? the ideology functions as a destined set of ideas, norms and values to fix and to prescribe, of beforehand, the ways to think, to feel and to act of the people. In reason of its priority, the ideology predetermines the thought and the action, disdaining the history and the practical one in which each person if inserts, she lives and she produces; .

The Evaporation

Finally, still variation in relation to the regimen of precipitations inside of the diurne scale exists, that is, during the day the variations occur due to the effect of the difference of heating of the surfaces eliminate and terrestrial, mainly in the interior of the continent and the regions of open or next sea to the coast, thus, the precipitation regimen diurne of the continental or interior type and the maritime or littoral type meet. In the continental or interior type, rains occur with priority during the end of the morning or the afternoon, where the thermal saturation of the surface arrives the extreme conditions, making with that air if becomes lighter, thus suffering the adiabtica expansion, forming clouds of convective origin, as well as, convective precipitations. In the maritime or littoral type the precipitations reach more significant occurrence during the night and in the first hours of the morning, this occurs according to Nieuwolt apud Ayoade (1986, p.170) ' ' for some type of nocturnal convection, that results in the increase … of thermal variation to the measure that the superior troposphere is cooled by the losses for radiation from the top of nuvens' '. Finally, the hidrolgico cycle is a systematic mechanism of the planet to keep its conditions general bioptics in constant balance, for this has a cyclical interaction between the solar radiation, the lithospere, the hidrosfera, the biosfera and mainly the atmosphere. The hidrolgico cycle, therefore, encloses and interacts direct and indirectly with all the terrestrial subsystems, in the evaporation interact with the hidrosfera, in the evapotranspirao interact directly with the biosfera, that automatically are integrated the lithospere that is determinative in the effect of the continentalidade, and, therefore, in the sazonal and diurne variation of precipitation, beyond the superficial draining and of the process of infiltration occurred after the precipitation events, with atmosphere interact in such a way through the cloud formation that will give to origin precipitations, carrying through, the closing of the hidrolgico cycle.