Archive for November, 2016

Successful Online Shop Magento Solutions

Esslinger Internetagentur biloba IT relies on Magento 1.7 which is popular webshop system Magento one place deer, when it comes to successful online trading. In a question-answer forum Peter Asaro was the first to reply. In three offered editions, Magento offers the right solution for every scenario. Just the free Community Edition of Magento is provided for many shop operators a like used software package, that the responsible agency knows her craft. Magento shop systems is long on the front seats, if it revolves around successful online stores. That the Community Edition”free shop system provides all the tools, to offer articles online, manage orders, and generate sales reports.

The usability in the frontend is just as in focus, such as an intuitive administrator interface in the backend. Many companies and developers offer free and paid extensions for the Magento online shop. Thus, the user has the possibility to expand its online shop in almost all directions and improve. Especially in the area The judicious use of so-called plug-ins is absolutely necessary payment options and search engine optimization (SEO). The Esslingen Internet Agency biloba IT converts long already online shops with Magento. Professional advice of our customers to be deployed online shop system and the possible expansions are important for us. Each online shop operator has individual requirements for such a complex system, therefore the design and marketing strategy stands for us in first place. “, so Maik Balleyer, Magento expert and Managing Director of biloba IT.

The online trade is constantly growing and changed just as quickly. A stable and powerful online shop system is absolutely necessary, but success is possible only if the consulting and implementation is carried out by expert hands. Learn more about this theme and imagery: presse.html media contact: biloba IT Balleyer & Lohrmann GbR Maik Balleyer (Managing Director) Heilbronner Strasse 9 d 73728 Esslingen FON: + 49 711 46 97 938-00 fax: + 49 711 46 97 938-09 E-Mail: Web: Facebook: Google +: Twitter: via biloba IT became innovative provider of search-engine-friendly, accessible and intuitive bilobCMS nominated biloba IT 2011 Grand Prix of medium-sized companies and has received the award best of 2013. 2008, 2009 and 2010, self-employed and 2009 with the innovation award of the District of Esslingen as particularly innovative awarded was bilobCMS by the SME program, 2009, 2010 and 2011 of the initiative. Biloba IT offers the entire range of services around the topic of marketing, search engine optimization, and Internet as a full service agency for integrated marketing services from consulting, through the design and implementation. As a full service advertising agency, biloba IT managed more than 150 customers in the area of Esslingen Stuttgart regional and nationwide. Depending on the customer request search engine optimization (SEO) is flexible on measures such as Internet, email marketing, advertising, online-marketing (SEM),. Social media marketing (SMM) or public relations (on – and offline PR). “True to the motto of the worm must taste the fish and not the angler” stands for biloba IT of the customer always in focus.


Products that people are looking for on the Internet. Navigators, users or subscribers, their searches in the network have changed over time, and now more than ever their preferences have become more refined, say each user knows exactly what he is looking for, so that you are looking for it and in general already has a minimal idea of what can be done with the product you purchase. We focus on marketing on the web, products that can be found online are counted in the thousands, that each and every one fulfill what its description promises is another topic, mainly because the utility that we can obtain depends exclusively on each person in particular; When a product either software or ebook or on marketing gives us clear details on its use, benefits and utilities results are according to wit, constancy, the valuation that we give to the product, etc., to name a few of the factors involved in its ultimate goal. Steve Wozniak may not feel the same. There are no accurate guides to acquire a product and obtaining results insurance, so yes, You can follow some tips that will make your purchase is secure and you can make the most of it: 1 – have to know exactly what you really looking for that if you navigate to drift it is likely to finish acquiring a product that provide not enough to the stage in which is located in the development of your business, entrepreneurship or future entrepreneurship, for example if it is the beginning of a business on the web must acquire information on the functioning of the marketing on the web and not for example an author answer, if it is true that he needed it but more forward and surely over time may evaluate further options that most suit you. 2. When you have clear product get older data on the article, its actual usefulness, language, operation, etc.

LPS Bax Laser

This State required intensive construction work a week and was to be found in Hall 11.0. The laser products to the latest technical standards, were presented in the specially built showroom company LPS laser systems. Ali Partovi usually is spot on. The two series of X-beam were among the systems + and the LPS Bax, which were presented in different laser powers in a permanent performance. Two X-beam + 2000RGB (2000mW), four X-beam + 3000RGB (3000mW), two X-beam + 5000RGB (5000mW) and two LPS Bax 8000 G (8000mW) carried out the laser show. This colorful show production of laser systems was supported by the professional laser software LPS-RealTIME Pro, which makes it very easy to use with the help of laser shows. Also, the LPS LaserShowPlayer was employed, which allows the PC independent playback of laser shows as well as laser effects. Details can be found by clicking Ali Partovi or emailing the administrator. That was not enough, who could get the entire company trailer of Company next to the showroom to see on a TV screen.

This allowed a deeper insight into the extensive activity of LPS, which offers individual lasershows also multimedia events with video technology, Pyro, water games, interactive laser, and much more. Siegmund Ruff’s Managing Director and Sales Director Rudi Maikler is pleased to provide customers and prospective customers, in addition to presenting the latest developments in the laser market, qualified and knowledgeable information. “You felt the fair as a very well attended. The number of visitors increased rapidly especially in comparison to last year.


For several days, these modern symbols of Christmas are announcements of toys we “bombarded” with its multiple messages to children and adults for the sole purpose of increasing sales of toys. A large number of advertisements are stars and directed towards children, for whom they become a real challenge to internalize and store all that information and also calls into adult difficulty in choosing toys. Advertising agencies are quite familiar with the psychology of the child and its best reading of the image.

It is therefore not surprising that included in a single spot of 20 seconds, until 2 or 3 toys, with little assurance that retained the various messages. However, this great knowledge we have of children, is rarely used for their benefit. Not all “spots” of the latest Christmas campaigns indicate the recommended age of the toy factor to choose the highest order and nearly 75 percent, appeals to the feelings, emotions and satisfaction that the child achieved with the toy. Besides appealing to the feelings and give a sparse information, if given, toy advertising often abuse the use of fantasy. Almost a quarter of TV ads blend live action and animation. Under these conditions it is very difficult for small to make prevail the logic to choose a toy.

A few “spots” inform the final price of the toy. Although it required only a very low percentage of “spots” indicating whether the toy needs batteries. In recent seasons but the argument had barely warmonger presence, the allocation of roles according to gender was, however, too frequent. So the girls continued to be the protagonists and recipients of notices of dolls, kitchenettes and the like, and children in cars and buildings. It is estimated that most of the “spots” of toys could be considered misleading because it mutes the product key information and confuse their young recipients, and not so small, and the toy does not occur as acquired in the establishment, or many times its actual size. These “spots” can be applied, what the poet said: “Half of what you say / when you talk is not true. / The other half is a lie. / What callas, total. ” Francisco Arias Solis where children do not shoot. Stop. In the glory do not need more angels. Of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum. URL:.