Tag Archive: education

Carol Padden

Which contribue for the definition of the deaf identities and ‘ ‘ almas’ ‘ of the communities deaf people. For the deaf linguistics Carol Padden, ‘ ‘ a deaf culture is a set of learned behaviors of a group of people who possess its proper language, values, rules of behavior and tradies’ ‘. To the step that ‘ ‘ a community is a general social system, in which a group of people shares common goals and partilham certain responsibilities ones with outras’ ‘. (PADDEN, 1989) Differentiating culture and deaf community, one perceives that the deaf culture is more closed of what the community, therefore, the members of a deaf culture if hold as the deaf people in its ample direction, where uses the language of signals and also they share between itself of the beliefs of the deaf people and with other people who are not deaf. ‘ ‘ Already in the deaf community, a group of people who deferred payment in a particular localization, share the common goals of its members and, of some forms they work to reach these metas’ ‘. Connect with other leaders such as Robert Bakish here. Therefore, in a community to listeners and deaf people can also participate who are not culturally deaf. However, in the deaf culture this does not occur in this way, therefore, the deaf citizen is not worried in inserting, but in being integrated. CONCLUSION From this research, concludes that a deaf culture exists and, that it distinguishes itself from the deaf community, where the difference is in the form to apprehend the world.

Generating partner-cultural values, behavior and traditions, to this way to live that if it can characterize as ‘ ‘ Surda’ culture; ‘. Therefore, to be deaf is to understand that it is possible if to communicate through the hands and to understand an verbal-auditory language by means of this. to learn to live with people who, in a universe of sounds, come across themselves with people who come the world mainly, for the vision, she becomes what them therefore different and not deficient. The difference is in the form as the world is perceived per item of us, not importing the differences that we load in our interior and exterior. All are different in its essence.

Foundation Technological Park

This project, intitled ' ' An Incredible Trip for the Universo' ' , it has as objective to develop pedagogical activities to make possible to the participants a bigger contact with Astronomy and to stimulate the interest for the scientific and technological knowledge. The Foundation Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI), responsible institution for managing the Technological Park Itaipu (PTI), where if finds the Polar region Astronomical, has its come back mission and vision to social, economic, scientific and technological the development of the region where if it inserts, becoming the PTI a space optimized for the production and spreading of Science. Sharing of this orientation, the Astronomical Polar region, center of Sciences endowed with planetarium and astroroof, is considered to divulge it Astronomy in way to multidiscipline, to motivate the interest for Science and to foment the thought critical. Scientific spreading and centers of Science the learning of Astronomy can occur in different contexts, including the formal, informal education and not-deed of division, and in action of popularizao of Science (LANGHI; NARDI, 2009). Formal education is that one practised by the education institutions, with endorsement of content, forms, certification, education professionals, amongst other aspects. Informal education becomes related it the continuous process of socialization of the man. Gohn (1999, P.

100), describes education not-deed of division as being ' ' … an absence, in comparison what it has in the school (something that would be not-intentional, not-planned, not structuralized) ' '. The spreading or scientific and technological popularizao intends to take slight knowledge on Science and Technology in general to the population, being usually made for museums, planetariums, astroroofs, university programs of extension and medias, among others agents (MOREIRA, 2006). In if treating to the spreading of Astronomy, in Brazil one meets an ample field for performance, 1. Graduated Pedagogia and monitorial of attendance in the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son, of Fundao Technological Park Itaipu (FPTI).


This silbica hypothesis allows that the child centers its attention in the sonorous value of the words, but enters in contradiction, therefore if in level daily pay-silbico II the child rejects words with few letters, the problem happens when the written words are monosslabas. ' ' Monosslabo would have to be written with an only letter, but if it places a letter alone, the writing cannot read, that is, it does not have interpretao.' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p.25). For more information see this site: Jim Dondero. He creates thus a new cognitivo conflict that only if desconstri when the child has courage to understand a new process of construction. Alphabetical Silbico – it is the phase where the child to leave the silbica hypothesis to go to the meeting with the alphabetical level. ' ' When the child discovers that the syllable cannot be considered as a unit, but that it is, in turn, reanalisvel in lesser elements, socially enters the last step of the understanding of the system estabelecido' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 27). Blacksmith (1955) On the other hand, the not accepted child a letter for syllabifies as well as does not create no rule duplicating the amount of letter for syllable. Thus, the qualitative side ' ' the sound identity does not guarantee identity of letters, nor the identity of letters of sons' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 28). Thus, the final phase of the alfabetizao process is marked by the alphabetical level. According to Blacksmith (1995), at this moment, the child already won the obstacles of the system of representation of the written language, but this does not mean that all the obstacles are finished, therefore will face ortogrficos problems. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999) had contributed for the understanding of the system of representation of the writing, identifying that the citizen creates the elements that the system of writing constructs and for this, must understand the process of construction of the writing.

International Communication

For many people the Earth's talk about the globalization of English is not something abstract. Many of the issues and to date remain open. For example, whether the English language? this is the best language for international communication? And is not he a threat to the diversity of national cultures and languages? And there are other languages are suitable for communication in the global community? Interesting fact. Term in relation to the English language is used only in English? Anywhere else! This underlines the uniqueness of the English language. It should be noted that the international English language differs from British English and, in fact, he did not is the national language in any country. And, as if it may sound paradoxical, but English is segregated from the rest of the English world. By virtue of the fact that they speak a universal language, they have no need to teach others foreign languages. But multilingualism is also the essence of Europe.

Urgency in a single world language comes from the ancient times. Immediately recall the Tower of Babel, or attempts to create a single world language? Esperanto. As shown history, such attempts are doomed to failure. Now let's take a closer look at English. In fact, in the world there are three types of English. English as a native English language, as well as any another language reflects culture, outlook and thinking of its speakers. British, Americans, Canadians, Australians? for them English is the mother tongue and that it unites them, but because of dialects, he distinguishes these nations from each other. It's no secret that English, as well as French, Spanish and Portuguese is not homogeneous.

All four of these languages have been exported outside of Europe in different geographical areas Land during the colonial conquests, and thus were doomed to transformation. English as a foreign language under this category refers to local variations of English in countries where it is native to absolute minority of privileged people and the second official language for the rest of the population. By the way, none of these countries is not a European. These are: India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, Uganda, etc. In these countries, English is much transformed and absorbed a lot of borrowing from local languages. Sometimes an amusing combination. For example, in Malaysia (half past six) means not only time days, but insulting and derogatory remarks about someone or something useless. Global English Speaking about the international English language, its impact, primarily due to the influence of the United States, as a carrier this language. His influence is so powerful that even the eternally resisting France, where historically the French carefully refer to the entire national, and she had to admit that English can no longer be regarded as foreign language. Globalization only contributes to this trend? widespread strengthening of the English language. Without exception in all languages there are borrowings from English. And especially it refers began in the era of computerization and the Internet. I guess Bill Gates is its operating system has done more to spread the English language than all the English missionaries together. In fact, now standing virtually every flat computer is a missionary, agitating for the English language. And virtually all of these communication innovations leave behind the modern lives of those who do not understand English.

Guide Introduction

Send your questions you can ask a specialist in the field of structured cabling systems that you encounter during the seminar or questions that you have not found the answers or the answers, but you are not sure and doubt the correctness of the responses received. The program curriculum + terms and definitions in the SDR + What is SCS administration in terms of standard + standard requirements and recommendations TIA/EIA-606A + Identification passive + id prefix in ACS and related systems + alphanumeric coding scheme of small SCS + alphanumeric coding scheme of SCS with a large number of buildings marking + passive + System + entries passive elements The system links to record + Document Management Administration SCS SCS specifically for the workshop author has prepared a new version of the manual on the "Administration of SCS ' version 1.14, revised and enlarged. The new version of the manual included additional information: the identification scheme telekommunikaitsonnyh premises, advice on the identification of trunk optical cables, when they are separated by the coupling, the identification scheme with a horizontal cable consolidation points, new drawings and diagrams that explain the better the material under study. Now you do not find an answer to the question: where to buy Standard TIA/EIA-606? It's just that you will now be on the desktop author guide, you'll use in their practical work. Guide Introduction to SCS, and that's not all … You will receive a new version of the manual "Introduction to the SKS 'version 1.15! This guide describes in detail the terms and definitions that are found in cable standards, literature, and in a professional environment, the model of cable lines (channel, fixed line) are circuit diagrams, structure and architecture of SDR, described functional elements and subsystems that are twisted-pair cabling information and fiber optics and other useful information.