Archive for October, 2018

Choosing Furniture For Small Spaces

Generic advice about how to place a small room with a maximum of necessary furniture and still leave enough space for comfort, no. Because the concept of comfort and convenience for all of us can be quite different. One for the feeling of comfort to a lot of free space, and others – on the contrary, more comfortable feel in the room where sofas, chairs, walls and a table for magazines occupy almost the entire free area. Apartment owners themselves or the owners of offices and representatives of companies before the end can not imagine how it should look comfortable and cozy room and what furniture it should be. Some imagine a cozy apartment as a country house, while others ride comfort, and perfection is a minimalist-style furniture and high-tech.

But it does not matter. After all, equip, and create a unique interior small apartment or a very small office, which employs an ophthalmologist, a lawyer or an accountant, you can always comfortably, and almost home comforts. To read more click here: Viacom. For example, if you love space, but the size of your the apartment is not to release the maximum amount of space from the mandatory items of furniture, take as a basis for Japanese-style interior of the device. The furniture in the Japanese style is currently available in large range of many both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Therefore, choose a low-cost solution for your home is not difficult.

The room in which the visual effect is the free space must have light walls, ceilings and floors. Furniture in it will be low and in small quantities. And the floor is better equipped podiums on which you can store all the necessary things. In order to free space was even more, the maximum release windows, removing them from the heavy curtains and dark curtains. Windows, decorated with transparent organza and tulle, curtained fabric or bamboo blinds will look much more fashionable than the cumbersome curtain of heavy velvet, collecting dust. Agree, even a little dental, fitted in a minimalist style, will look representative and even elegant, not to mention a simple apartment.

Small Businesses

The reason is obvious – Russian big business is divided, and the high level of competition in this market leads to lower profitability of lending. At the same time, small business loans is quite high rates of return. Who will be the leader in Small Business Lending – federal or local banks – hard to say. Noticeable trend in recent years has been the emergence of interest to small business by 'daughters' of foreign banks. Traditionally, foreign banks have more stringent requirements on risks, the procedures, so the small business lending market, they look weaker than the more flexible Russian banks. Nevertheless, after a while and foreign players will be able to compete with domestic.

Help them in this may underestimate the interest rates. Terms of lending to small businesses Why do interest rates are so high today? The logic of the banks is clear – 'communicating' with untrusted clients, creditors are always at risk. Higher rates offset the increased risks and costs of servicing smaller loans. In addition banks are required to offset their risks using non-standard forms of collateral. The fact that small companies usually can not provide a bank guarantee in highly liquid assets in connection with which lenders have to take a risk and issue unsecured or partially secured loans. To date, the average rate in the area of small business lending is 15-19% in rubles and 12-15% in dollars. Of course, the bet has regional characteristics – interest in the country may differ by 1-3 points.

Psychology Child

The objective is not here to criticize or to modify the effective models, but yes to place the knowledge produced for Psychology as allies to all involved ones in the learning process. We can consider the child as a partner-cultural event, based in the past of that the same ones were considered adult in miniature, initiating the work to the 7 years of age in the Average Age. But from the Iluminismo and Protestantismo the children are discovered and its protection if initiates. In the family the primary socialization in the period of the infancy occurs that as Berger and Luckman (1985) is presented the world to the child, creating the first social identity, permeada of emotion, carrying through mediation between the individual and the society. Still in the perspective of the same authors the socialization if relates to the introduction of an individual in the society, teaching to it form of if holding.But it does not finish in the family, therefore if the socialization goes in direction the society, then other institutions they participate of the development process, contributing so that the socialized individual enters in other scopes of the society. The next step to the infantile development is the secondary socialization, where the child has contact with other external realities its family, occurring through the church, of the school, of other families, club, parks and diverse institutions that the child frequents. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. The locomotive of the life has come to high speed, having harmed the internalization of some concepts; currently we count on a high number of children (in many adolescent and adult cases) without limit, direction, knowing as if holding in the society.

The Recitals

The proposal existencialista is to know the recitals of the man, analyzing the questions that it places in guideline and that they disclose the structure of this be-knot-world. To exist is simply you to be affected for what it comes to its meeting, and the man alone exists while ' ' to be abertura' ' ' ' to be-com' ' , that one that if relates and is affected by the world, for the other men, beings and things. Thus, we see the human being from its relations and in the way as it is affected by them, as he deals with the phenomena. The appearance does not hide the essence of the man, it discloses but it. The psychologist existencial will not look for, therefore, something for backwards of what it is said, but will understand the proper one to say, the small manifestations as being in itself same, revealing of the citizen, searching to analyze the skill of its customer if to relate with the world and to establish bonds. Things that disclose its structure. This in such a way makes possible the clarification of its essence, as the process of constitution of this structure of being, its identity. At the moment of the meeting with the customer, it does not have judgment, nor values, a time that the theory will enter in as a moment (epoch).

It fits to the therapist to be present and available to this meeting, and fits to the customer to present what it has of important, evidencing what it must be worked. The paper of the existencial analyst is to follow this way, illuminating it and disclosing it. We, existenciais psychologists strengthen in them in finding the other where this another one is, searching to understand what it understands of the form as understands, so that it if recognizes and assumes the responsibilities of its choices and what continues choosing as its form of being, because the man is a free being, enabled the choices and to the delineation of its proper life. The man, yes, is free to choose, but this does not mean that its possibilities are limitless. The existencial field of the man discloses to limits related the cultural aspects, corporal conditions, historicidade and its ambincia, being that this set defines its possibilities of choice. But, no matter how hard our degrees of freedom are narrowed, we will always have a choice band and in it we will enjoy of the possibility to change our existence.

Baby Communication

The importance of the not verbal dialogia in the seio of the family the hereditary succession constitutes an important factor in the theories of study of the personality human being, therefore concrete of the baby is initiated before exactly of the birth. However the environment where the person lives if shows determinative so that the hereditary continuity reveals its potential. This gantica load if exactly discloses as to the experiences lived deeply for each individual, when baby, since it is possible to at the beginning confirm the existence of a communication of the life of each human being, despite it is not verbalizada. In a question-answer forum Peter Asaro was the first to reply. From this constatao, the psychoanalysis can search a form of treatment for psiconeurticos patients, which, many times, lack of an understanding that exceeds the used verbal language as base of the psicanaltico study. When a child is born and receives col and care, it already is deciphering messages ' ' mensagens' ' of the world that the fence, and this is basic so that the baby can combine itself harmonic to the way where it will be inserted. In this insertion, mother and baby establish significant constant physical contacts that are e, of this form, are closely on to the processes of not verbal communication, in the measure where hlito, sound of the stroke of the heart, trick, body temperature, I smell, breath, tonality of voice and other factors, that supplant the verbalizao, start to be recognized as identification staffs, translating trustworthiness to just born. She is from this quiet type of communication that the mother and the baby establishes a form of communication capable to propitiate to the ancestor the discovery of that something is lacking to the son, exactly without the use of words on the part of the child. Thus, if she is possible to perceive a little as the interaction between mother and baby in the confrontation of supports and abandonments occurs, is also viable to develop a type of treatment for psychotic patients, considering its necessities, without they need to use verbalizao. This way of therapy, based on the way as the mother facilitates the development of the baby, can bring support to the patient, which will become more confident, and satisfaction to the psychoanalyst, who will feel itself gratified such which a father when she sees its I break if to become autonomous worker.

Dreams And Unconscious Desires

Authors: Appeared Elaine Da Silva *, August Jose Rodrigues Sanches ** *Graduanda of the course of Psychology in the Integrated Facultieses of Ourinhos (WIRE) ** Graduating of the course of Psychology the Integrated Facultieses of Ourinhos (WIRE) INTRODUCTION For some, the dreams is a tool very used to foresee events or even though they believe to be voices of divine entities, had to this, finishes yourself despertando great interest in the individuals that each time more are on the msticos subjects, for bringing a load of mystery, and for being more come back to the narcissism, to its ego, looking for of this form a self-knowledge or searching a false security, through hypotheses and methods defective, even so in the reality the meaning of the dreams is not well this. The dreams possess great importance in the psicanalticas therapies for providing to the therapist a deeper knowledge of what it is transferred in the soul of its patients, therefore are loaded of information on the life of these and concomitantly they offer analyzing a knowledge greater of itself exactly. It is important to stand out how much he is challenging the study and analysis of the dreams, therefore they bring to the strong individual influence in its psique, being able in some cases, to modify significantly its behavior. Continue to learn more with: Ali Partovi. Through one she searches bibliographical this objective work to analyze it the contents of the dreams, why the influences that exert in psique of the individuals and its importance, thus making possible, in character brief, to the students and interested a general idea occur and on the interpretation of the dreams according to freudiana theory. BASIC CONCEPTS OF THEORY PSICANALTICA Old the primitive peoples believed that the dreams would have adivinhatrio content, that the dreams brought messages and revelations of deuses and demons and being thus, would make to come to the light facts that could occur in the future. .

The Dreams

The interpretation of the dreams of which Freud if dedicated to study in them says that the dreams are, ' ' the main road that takes to the knowledge of the unconscious aspects of our life psquica' ' (FREUD, 1900, apud ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 44). Freud conceives the idea of that one insight (intuition) of something forbidden (unconscious desire) a time in the life only occurs. The unconscious contents had always been gifts and if they reveal in our life of diverse forms, however, these unconscious manifestations had only had total attention with the works of Freud on the interpretation of the dreams, that until then was rejected for the scientists of the time. Freud always focused what during millenia he was ' ' point cego' ' of our perceptions, feelings and thoughts, what, in a certain way, always it was present and what, however, we refused to confer the dignity of our attention. (MONZANI, 1989, p.57) the dreams possess manifest contents and latent and to make the distinction of these contents for Freud it was a canal of meeting for the queerness of the people who came across with its thoughts. Therefore, the latent contents of the dreams, indicated manifestations of the unconscious one and were necessary exclusive methods to understand the Real meant, done this, the dreams finished if disclosing as unconscious desires with material always stressed and infantile indicating a relation with something of sexual character. To understand the meanings of the dreams a priori was of extreme importance for the psicanaltica theory, therefore through its interpretations, it was possible to unmask the occult material of each individual and concomitantly to understand its construction psychic.

' ' Freud understood that everything what we know regarding we ourselves represents only one small part of what we are in realidade' ' (ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 46). The dreams appear as form to externalizarmos knowledge that we possess, but that we insist on saying that we are unaware of. .

The Child

The children who did not follow one ‘ ‘ ritmo’ ‘ established for the group of pairs they were friction and estigmatizadas of incapable. In the intention to carefully examine the form with which the education was if delineating in relation to the learning problems, according to SAUCERS (here. 2002), appear in years 60 to the New school, that excites questionings related to the illness and the failure. Get more background information with materials from Mikkel Svane.

It is transferred to look at it for the individual differences of the pupils, based in the desire of the igualitria society. However for DOTTI (Apud SAUCERS, here. 2002), this trend became impracticable, therefore in a society divided in classrooms, the differences in the direction of incapable rich and capable poor person are strengthened//. Still for the author, the Psicopedagogia, formed for teams to multidiscipline in years 80, it presents a new body of knowledge and position, in relation to the problems of learning and the failure pertaining to school. The author discloses that, according to some theoreticians, the psicopedagogos, start to better understand the failure of learning for which the child it passes.

Its works are based on studies of authors as: Piaget, that if occupies of the intelligent citizen: Vygostsky, that focuses the social citizen: Wallon, that if concentrates in the desejante citizen and Freire, with ideas centered in the anthropology of the learning, tying learning the life. By means of the author, it says that, ‘ ‘ this to rethink of the failure pertaining to school, today, makes with that we redimensionamos the stigma and the preconception in relation to alunos’ ‘. In this in case that, as it affirms DOTTI, … knows that the question of the failure pertaining to school is on to the preconceptions that we have the respect that we have of the child and the poverty.