The programs used for simulation, also used in the aerospace field and in the automotive industry. But in aviation, though you have similar composites products are not designed for survival in case of accidents. Respectively, from the materials do not require a given behavior multidirectional mechanical loads. In the automotive industry, by contrast, used the structure of homogeneous materials subjected to preliminary molding of the plates. There are all subject to the same goal: to absorb and distribute impact energy by programmed deformation of the structure.
Program, which is designed helmet, take into account the properties and mechanical properties of materials to be used. They pre-entered static parameters (elasticity and resistance to bending, compression and tear) and dynamic (impact). Virtual materials with desired specific properties allow us to go from three-dimensional model of aesthetic form to a realistic models of the future helmet. The whole structure of the virtual hat consists of small cells connected to each other and forming a grid. To perform virtual crash tests simulated conditions similar tests at homologation. Virtual reality helmet worn by a virtual head of a certain size and weight and then virtually beaten, forced to fall and dropping an anvil on his virtual given shape. During these tests can a need to change the shape or size of the shell, and during this period designers and testers to work in close contact. When the model will satisfy the requirements of virtual test begins production prototype. The parameters of the virtual model by means of laser sintered powder of nylon and fiberglass, and is synthesized outer shell (the technology of three-dimensional "growth" of the object – approx.