Implementation of the process of urban reform enters of the challenges of this first esta, by means of the implementation doPrograma of Reinforcement of the Urban Municipal Management, whose instruments foramo Statute of the city and the Managing Plan Participativo and, in> parallel to this, had been implemented the Conferences of the City and the National Politics Urban deDesenvolvimento. Other challenges are: improvements the conditions dehabitabilidade, accessibility and of urban mobility, with emphasis in qualidadede life and the environment. The actions that destrincham these challenges, according to oplano, are come back toward the attainment of information systemize on arede urban and the intra-urban characteristics that will be the base for aelaborao, execution and evaluation of the national politics of desenvolvimentourbano. All the programs related to the development urbanoforam launched in 2004, in notebooks for the Ministry of the Cities. They had been 9Cadernos with the following subjects: Energy efficiency in Habitations deInteresse Social, National Politics of Urban Development, Social Participation eControle, Urban Territorial Planning and Agrarian Politics, PolticNacional of Habitation, Ambient Sanitation, National Politics of MobilidadeUrbana Sustainable, Transit Question of Citizenship, Capacitao and Informao.Estes Notebooks already hugged in its content others public politics voltadaspara the urban development brought by the Conferences of the Cidadesrealizadas in 2003. The subjects of Notebooks had been also argued in National umSeminrio in 2004, on the National Politics of DesenvolvimentoUrbano, carried through in Baslia with the presence of all team doMinistrio technique. This seminary was the chance that I had to see really emnvel federal as if they gave to the quarrels and the real opening for the debate esugestes that were incorporated there in messas to the final text. The wealth that seabre with the proportionate chance for the open and qualified interchange deexperincias and experiences of the society, the institutions and the managers pblicosfoi really a new experience for who acts in the planning and had idealized essasprticas as theory.
Archive for August, 2012
The result of this concept is to try to abolish a threat when an attack or disaster is changed into. Already the protection, has for objective to implant security politics to inhibit, to detect and to protect any attempt of attack to the system of information of the organization (PIG, 2005). In accordance with It hisses (2003), the main points for implantation of the security of the information must follow the five basic principles: The relation cost and benefit: to guarantee investments for the favorable implementation and the maintenance, and the return that provides to the prevention and the protection of the information system. Such situation alone is remembered by the proprietors when a great disaster or attack occurs and the cost of restoration of the information of the databases many times, it is bigger of what it had invested months in a system of security of the safe and steady information.
The beginning of the concentration: it provides to the possibility of if managing the measures necessary of security of the information to take care of to necessities of improvement of protection of different sensible databases the alterations. The beginning of the protection in depth: it provides measures of security protection (physical or logical) as cameras of monitoring, biometria and recognition of voice. The use of this principle prevents a set of distinct and doubtful measures of protection for not becoming an inefficient and slow addition of obstacles for surrounding the safest one. The beginning of the consistency: it determines that the measures of protection of ITSELF possess one level of interchangeable sensitivity so that they reduce the imperfections of the programs of security of the organizations. Its use in such a way reaches at every level accesses of the information system as physicist or logical, for example, to hinder that a 7 son of one partner of the organization installs games, has access improper pages with the server of the company or to allow not authorized people to have access to the computers of the organization.