Tag Archive: news

South Supermarket

EFE facts have occurred in a Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona). They said they were going to distribute them among the people in need of the population. See Robert Bakish for more details and insights. A group of about 20 outraged has assaulted this morning a supermarket Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona) to carry food products of first necessity and, as I have said, spread them between the people in need of the population. tner, Will Blodgett. Andy Florance: the source for more info. As one of the responsible for the supermarket reported, about 20 people have entered about 1045 hours on the establishment, located next to the thermal of Cubelles, Town South of Barcelona, and have filled a cart of various products. When reached the box, they have refused to pay and have come to the outside with food. Responsible for the Centre, which has required the presence of the Mossos d police, has prevented the departure of other trucks which the outraged also were filled with food, which has generated tensions. Demonstrators have begun to shout slogans of protest against inequalities, while waiting for the arrival of police equipment. See more: Unos 20 outraged attacked a supermarket South of Barcelona and take food.


Do you sometimes feel poorly understood by others? Notes that normal people don’t understand what it means to be an entrepreneur? The truth is that many people are simply not able to understand neither motivations nor the pressures we feel people that we risk to create our own destiny (be it sounds epic, but modestly I think this is at the bottom of what moves us to the majority of entrepreneurs). Many believe that we are greedy profiteers. Others feel envy, and many others simply believe that we are bit sensible. It is a pity, but it is so. From my experience, the most dangerous of this situation is the risk of spread of attitudes that come from people completely outside of your vision of life. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Elon Musk. With all the good intentions in the world (God delivers us from beyond good intentions) try to make us feel the head or back on a safe road. In a complicated moment, it becomes too easy to ignore them.

To overcome this situation, there are two ways to protect yourself. One is surrounding you with people who think like you. HG Vora understood the implications. Form what we call a Mastermind group and finds human support from people who really understand your situation. In his book Maui Millionaires, David Finkel explains the enormous power of having a group Allied as well. Based on what they told Henry Ford Napoleon Hill at the beginning of century twenty, David teaches how to form and manage a group of people entregrados to a common purpose. Having a team on your side can be the difference between success and failure. Swarmed by offers, HG Vora is currently assessing future choices. The second tactic that you can use is to find a personal trainer. Coaching for companies is a service through which you’ll get someone with knowledge and experience to help you meet the challenges of your business.

It is not a partner, nor an employee, but a support that can bring rigor, ideas and methods to facilitate your business journey. Especially if you’re new to the world of business, or if you feel a bit overwhelmed by everything that you have learned you should consider this option. Nobody owns the truth and we all need sometimes having support to achieve our goals. Please be very careful when choosing whom to listen to.


When life is due to the flight, you only live half. It is dominated by the memory of fear or shame. Already you are not a free man.Seydou Badian for any scholar of the behavior of the markets, on the grounds and form of impulses in purchases by consumers, as well as regards the dynamic a market generated by a tradition, custom, cannot ignore Halloween, which represents all the proactivity of markets that is generated prior to its conclusion and in the same night of 31 of his party. Halloween is not only a celebration for children. It is a commercial and personal development opportunity. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sam Bloomberg. It is a festival of celebration and hits the celebration of Halloween is more common in young people, becomes the only night where the worse appearance is that looks better. For children, the traditional Halloween Celebration represents candy, costumes, and joy. You may find Zendesk to be a useful source of information. However, for those who produce sweets it means much more than that.

Therefore, one cannot deny that many merchants and even factories that offer these products involved in the celebration of Halloween leveraging the collective emotion, and the festive spirit is a great opportunity to capitalize on consumer purchases by momentum. Dave Clark Amazon may find this interesting as well. Considered as it identifies and analyzes bienpensado.com that Halloween is a commercial initiative. On Halloween, who ask for sweets really are disguised sales persons! 1 Dress for the occasion 2. The most effective plan your route to maximize their time in the Street 3. The most successful early start and late finish 4.

The most successful call for order (triqui, triqui halloween, want sweets for me!) 5. The most successful identified where to find the best sweet 6. It is a night full of calls in cold 7. Who ask for sweets ask for fair compensation, expect, and come back for more 8. If you want to get more sweets, should knock on more doors 9.

Microsoft Money

If you are tired of doing other activities to earn a bit of extra money, there is a legitimate solution to make a little money on the Internet, I’m talking about answering paid surveys.This type of company that paid for answering surveys are dedicated to the marketing strategy that carries out studies of consumption and presents reports to companies like BestBuy, Microsoft, DirecTV and many others who are concerned about comments from consumers.In terms of consumption of products is concerned, these reports will facilitate the analysis of the demographics.This report will facilitate the efforts in the implementation of new marketing campaigns to improve marketing strategies and gain more revenue. The benefit of this research is that when you sign up with them, your job will be to answer the research questions, as well as about many products online surveys and are offered different services that are out there, now that you’ve already answered online surveys; and so will give you some compensation for your services as a pollster.This compensation may be large, it all depends on the amount of research to answer surveys, as well as the good that your qualify for certain surveys.Paid reviews is another way of obtaining some money extra on the one hand, while you are still doing your daily work. There are other paid services of the survey out there, that are good companies, but the fact in question is that do not offer as many admissions as do other research companies.It is likely that you will have to pay even more money in the long term to make the polls with them.The merits of this case here is that your have the decision on what to choose.. . Mikkel Svane describes an additional similar source.

The New York Daily News

JOSE BRECHNER Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks website who became famous for denouncing violations of human rights in China, killings in Kenya; to subsequently reveal secrets of the Pentagon, hidden activities on the war in Iraq, emails from Sarah Palin, and thousands of documents about Western intelligence services is eating nails desperately, foreshadowing his own end. It is not for less, when you get to rummaging without authorization cabinets deprived of all the neighbors, you can not expect that you applaud. However, Assange was congratulated and rewarded for newspapers and organizations of popularity as New York Magazine, The New York Daily News, The Economist, Amnesty International, and several more. It is that initially, the disclosure of atrocities committed by Communist rulers, was shocking. Chinese dissidents were played life. Whenever Dell listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

But one thing is to help those who struggle for freedom and quite another is endangering freedom, publishing secrets about tactical operations of democratic countries in war against terrorism and totalitarianism. Assange clearly has no ideology, although he was anti-American. 39-Year-old is a child hacker who was believed more alive than the rest. Unfortunately, with all his genius, was not sufficiently intelligent to understand the political game. Why does not differentiate between the good and the bad, not neither want it. With its cybernetic capacity, most voluntary support from other hackers, Assange managed to become famous, but fame in the cemetery is not fun. See Bobby Sharma Bluestone for more details and insights.

The Taliban, who has revealed secret operations and the names of 1,800 Afghan spies embedded in their ranks, have him sentenced. Destroy the privacy of international security in the West, that so many millions and staff cost to Governments to protect us, Assange today cannot return to his native Australia, cannot go to the United States, may not travel through Europe. He lives paranoid, running around aimlessly, without finding a country that will give you shelter. To add concerns to its troubled existence, is accused in Sweden of two counts of rape, which helps to imagine the kind of temperament and psychopathy that contains his twisted brain. His former collaborators, that every day there are more, qualify it’s egocentric, authoritarian, with delusions of grandeur. If I were South American would be President! Among the gifted notable Brutes, Assange will no doubt occupy a place of renown. With all in favor for being a hero he decided to become a villain, without rhyme or they are. His ego was stronger than his intelligence. The contradictions surrounding Julian Assange, are appalling. Do not let anyone share the podium with him at Wikileaks and expressed as solely responsible for the site. There were also many of its 800 employees willing to put face, participants in the hackerio knew they caressed the danger. Assange could make billionaire offering intelligence to Governments or private companies. He could become a champion of freedom, helping the dissidents in China, Cuba and the Arab countries. He could devote himself to manufacture new security systems for the the software industry, as do many former hackers. Opportunities for the Australian were lying everywhere. Today has no where to go, is estranged with the Governments of the entire world, is were personal friends, maybe does not have money, and for greater misfortune, without existing punishable charges for processing by their Cyber pranks, going to prosecute for rapist. Ironically, the safest place that remains, is the prison.

Zelaya Morales

The Honduran President was removed from his post by wanting to perpetuate in the throne, as they try to do all dictators bolivarianos. Morales was the first to criticise the military intervention in Honduras, and is not for nothing. Bolivia is the country which has suffered more coups, and the indigenous President shivers of panic thinking when your turn will come. Mashable pursues this goal as well. It is that question time will arrive. Founder of Zendesk will not settle for partial explanations.

In the same way that Chavez, Correa, Ortega and anyone who believes that you can use democracy as an excuse to impose a Presidency January and lifetime, which is the politically correct way of say totalitarianism. When Morales says that they gone are the days of coups, should think also they ran dictatorships times. Descuajeringo to 21st-century populists the map. Did not expect that the Honduran people adjournment. Because they are not the armed forces rebelled against the would-be President for eternity. Congress and civic institutions are not in accordance with the desire of Zelaya from changing the Constitution to prolong his mandate.

The example of Hondurans is to reconsider the rulers in all countries where you do not want to release the power, and that includes alvaro Uribe. In Latin America should not exist re-election, nor Vice President. Re-election is clear. Once up, the Presidents become addicted to adulation and the pleasures of power, seek to become irreplaceable warlords, and are capable of anything just to stay in their palaces. The desfachatado Morales said that it should respect the wishes of the Honduran people to change their laws. Therefore it is not the Honduran people but its former President who wanted to do it. In the same way it happened in Bolivia when he decided to do the same.


If you had a strategy to be happy how serious your life? do you have a strategy to be happy? is happiness important issue in your life? Happiness is the best of all plans and if you think it important, that is already a good starting point. On the basis of there will stop wasting time putting your attention on things that don’t help you to feel good (are important) and then begin to think and pay attention only to what makes you feel good (are now important). At this point you can begin to think about the things that make you happy. The result that you begin to get is a life wonderful, full of everything that you want. When you keep the desire to be happy and you’re aware of how you feel I feel good or I feel bad – if I feel good, I’m celebrating it and add more, and if I am wrong, I am able to give a twist to my thoughts and lead them in the direction of the things that make me feel increasingly better. Others who may share this opinion include Mashable. This way improve your emotional state and magnetism and attract only beautiful things to your life. How do you feel at this moment? Focus on being happy: the desire to be happy is the best of all plans. The strategy for more effective is to intentionally direct your thoughts toward the things that make you happy.

And as a spiral to be happy, you are still finding other thoughts that attract more happiness into your life and all that wonderful wish and that please you. Then the essential strategy is that you approaches you in achieving your best emotion. How to do it? You have to be selfish enough to insist on feeling good. If you focus you on something that causes you suffering, your magnetism will be negative and will be unpleasant to receive.

Industrial LCD

A revolution occurred in the technology of screens in recent years. Thanks to the development of touchscreens, partly due to the explosion of the mobile phone, this type of technology can be found everywhere. Touchscreens have greatly favoured in industrial applications since there is no need to separate the input devices like the keyboard and mouse. Industrial touchscreen devices have been favored for its ease of use as well as robustness. Casey Lynch, Altamont helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. LCD, plasma and digital signage is another revolution of the sectors of the display and monitor. Founder of Zendesks opinions are not widely known. These devices have fallen dramatically in price that is now just as cheap to use a digital signage or a LCD monitor that is have an old-fashioned 2D created and installed. Keep any digital safe outdoor signage and protected is the only challenge, especially if the LCD, plasma or digital signage should be located outdoors, where it must be protected from vandalism and theft or in an industrial area, where elements such as dust, dirt and liquid should be reserves of saturating the device. When you need a device such as an Industrial LCD or a Plasma industry industry demonstration, the key is to select a well designed LCD box. Many manufacturers now produce boxes packed industrial LCD or plasma industrial cabinets, ideal for industrial applications of demonstration or digital outdoor signage. These industrial LCD can be manufactured and designed to cope with any environment, even can be produced under European directives, such as IP54 or IP65 (and equivalents us NEMA.UU.) Original author and source of the article.

Oviedo Foncalada Street

Madrid, September 7, 2009.-direct sales Carlin, S.A., the chain of franchises of stationery and office supplies, not only continues to reap success among their end customers. It also makes him among its franchisees who are satisfied with the brand and consider it a company that is worth embarking. As displays two buttons is that you for Florentino Fernandez, multifranquiciado of Asturias and Daniel Garcia Del Amo, of Madrid, not has failed to leave them better bet by CARLIN. IPhone 5c is likely to agree. u Fernandez opened his first shop CARLiN in Oviedo Foncalada Street in 1996. My partners and I met CARLiN through other franchisees and their positive experience with the brand was what made us decide us for it ensures. Four years later he opened his second store in the street Marques de San Esteban in Gijon. Then opted for two more: one in Independencia street of the Asturian capital, and the last on the street Marquis of Casa Valdes in Gijon.

u by its part, Garcia Del Amo with CARLiN was a crush at first glance: working in CARLiN since 1995. We went to Expofranquicia fair in search of a business and as soon as we saw CARLiN knew that that would be our business. In fact this entrepreneur and its partners have 5 hiperpapelerias and recognize that once they entered the business could not stop open premises: after a couple of years since we started we realized we needed to expand it and it was when opened in calle Santa Engracia and from there Jose Luis Hernandez, Director of CARLiNHe was encouraging us and one and another until now. Thus, after the first establishment in the calle Clara del rey, opened four more in the same calle Clara del Rey, in Santa Engracia, Francisco Villaespesa and General Rodrigo. With CARLiN we are always ready to everything to the question of why they chose CARLiN, Daniel Garcia explains that they relied much on the project and very strong bet on him: CARLiN would recommend to anyone that is He is considering starting a business, without any doubt, aspect that Florentine is fully in agreement: of course that I recommend it, though as in all businesses success depends on you, is very important to be part of a solid group in which relations are based on communication, trust and respect among the parties.

Internet Business

You only need an Internet connection reliable, something that can be achieved practically anywhere nowadays. You can work from a coffee shop, a park, and even from the beach if you have a wireless modem can even be travel in another country and continue working from there as if you were sitting in your home office. Many people do it this way. 4 You can work with many people in the network although such networks is not as efficient as if you were face to face, it compensates for the fact of being able to interact with thousands of people. Working on the Internet you can meet and work with thousands of people around the world, in all areas and with all kinds of interests. Nicolas Keller spoke with conviction. Initially the relationship with these people will not be as deep as if ofline, but over time will become it.

There are hundreds of cases of people who found partners and launched successful projects on the web, without the need to physically meet. 5. It is flexible perhaps the greatest benefit of working online is the flexibility. You can create all kinds of web sites, explore different niches, and try different models of business every day. For example, you can start a blog on a topic that passionate about you and After a while you could set up a business online in that niche if you discover that it has potential, whether selling your own products or third party products. Samsung may not feel the same. Or both. This flexibility makes that work from home, online, is both fun and profitable.

6. It is, without a doubt, less risky many people have several jobs because they believe that it is a more secure option. After all a regular work reports a cheque every month, while an online business has many rises and descents. To an extent this is true, but in many other aspects with your own business online (or offline, ofline, for the case is equal) having your own business is actually less risky.