The security status of passenger transport in road transport, especially commercial, has long been a serious concern to the police. Rampant commercialization and care from private carriers State control is much exacerbated the situation with alarm and threatens the safety of passengers and pedestrians, said the press office of Internal Affairs of the Bryansk region. Two years back to ensure control over the work increased number of private carriers in the structure of the public security police atc field unit was established to detect and prevent crimes and administrative violations in the area Passenger road transport. The main task of this unit was the suppression of commercial passenger services without a license, without a contract with the administration and operation of commercial carriers without the technical and medical examinations. In the city of Bryansk was developed and opened 36 commercial route to carry out shuttle passenger cars more than 1,400, 900 of them – legally, accordance with the agreements concluded with the Bryansk city administration. More than 500 motor vehicles shall transport no contracts. In addition, intermunicipal on route Passenger transport is involved more than 500 vehicles, including 350 within the law in accordance with agreements concluded with the Department of Industry, Transport and Communications of the Bryansk region with the winners held earlier contests.
Within the 150 units of auto road passenger transport is carried out without contracts. Unlawfully engaged in passenger traffic as individual entrepreneurs and citizens who have no relevant documents and permits. Last year the Centre to combat offenses in the consumer market atc quadrupled initiate preventive operations on you phenomenon violations in the area of route passengers. These preventive operations officers participate ugibdd, Department of Industry, Transport and Communications Bryansk city administration, the Department of Industry, Transport and Communications of the Bryansk region, the Federal Migration Service of the Bryansk region, of the Bryansk region, the Federal Tax Service of the Bryansk region, management of state highway supervision of the Bryansk region.