Tag Archive: art and science


Almost the one year in the region of ' ' Cracolndia' ' , I had the displeasure of walking in a police viatura, in a search (frustrated) for a cellular one that he had been pulled out of me with a knife rusted in a lighthouse. This stroll placed me front to a reality that only knew for the TV, children, old, young adult becoming vacant made buzzes, people agglomerations that if wasted done cloud of grasshoppers to the measure that the car of polices if it approached Vi, (because to know I already wise person) that the Crack does not choose age and nor social classroom and the robery of cellular pra me started to be a chateao and not a problem. This everything pra to say that today I heard in the radio on a curious event of the CULTURAL TURN THAT HAPPENS Every year IN SO PAULO and I was surprised. It would be fact, a nocturnal stroll with lanterns, in the region of the Cracolndia! Therefore he is, I also scared and thought ' ' he is clearly that those people who vi will not be there, the city hall will be puted in charge of retir-las' ' That region is the shame of the city, perhaps ours bigger example of incivilidade, urban degradation and human being. Isearch often addresses the matter in his writings. But on the other hand: Because this must be hidden? Because we are that we have that arresting in them in the houses and of preference in closed condominiums, intimidated for the moral and urban violence. If to look at for this side would be an excellent chance population to say it that: It wants yes to walk in the streets (in any one) that this type of degradation wounds our right to go and to come. Who also knows is not an excellent same chance that of emblematic or innocent form to take light that place, a chance of appropriation of the space for more chaotic than either. Who knows our governing, mainly the municipal theatres, exactly that at a brief moment of lucidity they perceive that exists much people more than (and people are synonymous of votes in cabecinha of them) and what they think interested about this revitalizao. Mi40NC4wLjA’>Bobby Sharma.

What it happens in that place is immoral, not only for the Crack, but because there an invisible order of forbidden exists to pass. I know that we are ahead of something much more complex of what the project of a building, and that the urban universe if extends very beyond even though what ' ' urbanismo' ' it obtains to reach. But at least as architects and City planners we are called however or other to assume our roles or at least thinking about them They are initiatives as this that brings a little of light (exactly that of lanterns) for our lack of hope As &#039 says Italo Calvin in Invisible Cities; ' The hell of the livings creature is not something that will be; if it exists, is that one that already is here, the hell in which we live every day, that we form being together. Two ways exist not to suffer. The first one is easy for the majority of the people: to accept the hell and to become part of this until the point to leave to perceive it. Second she is risky and it demands attention and continued learning: to try to know to recognize who and what, in the way it hell, is not hell, and to preserve it and to open espao' ' Let us think about this!

Maricato Quarters

The different occupations of the territory indicate a problem occurred since the beginning of the capitalism, brought next to the advent of industrialization and to the idea to become the dwelling a merchandise, being installed themselves a question to be faced. On what Engels (1979) affirms to have certain disinterest on the part of the ruling class in deciding it, as strategy to make the laboring classroom pressured by the constant necessity of sales of the force-of-work and subordinated by the masters in the habitacional field. One high number of habitations constructed of the formal market is perceived outside, what it demonstrates the recklessness on the part of the public politics front to this question. It affirms Maricato (2001, P. 131): ‘ ‘ The autoconstruo in illegal land divisions in the urban peripheries and the domiciles in slum quarters had become priority for the habitation of the workers and the poor population in a general way from 1930.’ ‘ The Laisseferiano style predominated in the use and occupation of the ground in the majority of the cities during successive decades, due to absence of the urban planning, what it is defined for the rentistas and lucrative private interests and for the ignorance in relation to the nesting of most of the population.

Maricato (2007, P. 123) alleges that: The illegality is, therefore functional? for the relations archaic politics, a restricted and speculative real estate market, for arbitrary application of the law, in accordance with the favor relation. … the territorial segregation and all the corollaries follow that it? lack of ambient sanitation, risks of collapses, flood risks, violence? it is tied. RECIFE AND ITS CONTRASTS In the city of Recife, according to IBGE, the living population of slum quarters arrive 40%. The data show that the illegal land occupation is almost more rule of what exception in the great cities, and Recife is not exception.


What it is Biotechnology? In middle of century XV science appeared inside in the Europe of a known historical period as period of the renaissance where the studies in anatomy had been stimulated by the interest of the painters in portraying with wealth of details the anatomy human being and of the other beings livings creature. Before this period, the man searched in the common census or in religious beliefs to understand the natural phenomena and did not emphasize the nature as source of explanation to answer its doubts. Pete Cashmore is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The search of a deeper knowledge on the life allowed the human being to acquire new abilities being that, such knowledge, was of basic importance for the solution of the problems and the intellectual growth. With the advance of the knowledge it was discovered that animal and plants possuam many characteristics differentiating of minerals in common, therefore until then, was imagined that the nature composed in two groups, the livings creature and not-livings creature, and thus appears Biology as science come back toward the study of the beings livings creature in the end of century XVIII. Amongst diverse branches of biology the Biotechnology in the world contemporary is distinguished for its character modifier of the nature acts seen the possibility of the creation of new varieties of organisms, production of identical copies or the identification of illnesses before exactly that they reveal its symptoms (AMABIS and MARTHO, 2001).

Microscope Samsung

2 – OBJECTIVE To present through the metalogrfico assay and of its micrographical analysis with the aid of the microscope the morphology and structure of the material in study, being determined the micron-constituent compose that it. that these micron-constituent vary the type of analyzed league in accordance with and in accordance with the thermal, mechanical treatments, processes of manufacture and other processes the one that the material has been submitted. The importance of this examination elapses of the fact of the mechanical properties of a metal not only to depend on its chemical composition as well as of its texture. With effect, exactly material one can become malleable, dctil, fragile, elastic, tenacious, etc., as the texture that to present and that can be given by means of mechanical works or adjusted thermal treatments to it. 3 – USED MATERIALS AND METHODS? Body of test: STEEL 1020. Figure 1? Body of Test? Metalogrfica cutting Manufacturer: Teclago Industry and Commerce Model CM-40 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,5 C.V. Rotation: 8420 rpm Figure 2 – Cutting metalogrfica? Manual sander Figure 3 – Manual Sander? Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360) Figure 4 – Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360)? Felt Appears 5 – Felt? Diamantada folder Figure 6? Diamantada folder? Politriz sander Model: 02 PL Series: 2032 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,4 C.V. Rotation: 600 pulley of 300 rpm and another one of rpm 7 Figure – Politriz Sander? Embutidora Model: M30 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 500W Figure 8 – Embutidora? Bakelite Appears 9 – Bakelite? (Nital) nitric acid 2% and, Chemical reagent 98% of etlico alcohol. Figure 10 – Chemical reagent (Nital)? Microscope Samsung SDC-312 Voltage: 100/110/120V Current: 0,8 the Frequency: 50-60 Digital Hz color camera NIKON E200 ECLIPSE Figure 11 – Microscope 4? EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1 Passo – Cut Depending on the size or the format of one has asked for, it can need to be parted.

Access Resources

So that the use of these resources happens successfully, if it makes necessary the existence of a previous planning, enabled professors to guide the pupils, and that it shows to which the objectives to them established for the accomplishment of the activities, searching to explore to the maximum the potential of learning of these pupils. The difficulties that some educators are facing to make use of the resources of technology and the new forms of to construct to the learning the pupil together with, they are consequences of the way as that these resources had arrived at the schools, fast and without it had qualification in order to instruct them and to show them the advantage to have these resources as its ally in the educational process. However, this is not reason so that excessively involved professors and are of are of these changes, in the truth, are we who we must construct to the ways for this innovative form of education, formatting together, professors and pupils the possibilities of construction of the knowledge that more will be adjusted to the conditions where they are contextualizados. .