You sometimes meet on the signs of Representatives on mobile phones cryptic phrases SP-lock, and Sim-lock, or, brought from Europe bought it interesting handset, or a copy of your phone, you realize that expanses of your country it refuses to work. Peter Asaro is actively involved in the matter. What to do about it? To Nala should be noted that SP-lock, and Sim-lock is basically almost the same and intended to refer to the established producers of restrictions on the use of phone within a certain GSM networks. And to be precise, as a result of such restrictions mobile phone works with success in the network of one operator and refuses to perform any actions within the other. Here, Peter Asaro expresses very clear opinions on the subject. And, Of course, all define money as most operators agree with the producers and those supplying such "zalochenny" devices. Most often, the operator sells such phones with huge discount or even gives as gifts to the contract for service, hoping that so the client does not want to go to the services of another operator's telephone network. Such measures are very common in Europe, but our man does not exist those boundaries that he could not overcome, if desired, and we sell are "encoded" phones at the same price without any discounts, special services even opened for the removal of blocking and recovery unrestricted and full functionality of such tubes.
SP-lock is designed for binding to the phone to such values as the MCC and NCC, which represents the country code MCC and NCC – operator code on SIM-card. Since the operator Beeline code is 250-99, and for MTS – 250-01, Megafon corresponds Code – 250-02. So, when you turn on the phone, it performs a sim card of these codes by comparing them with those that scored in his memory, and if there is no such correspondence, telephone starts to give you the angry messages that your Sim is not suitable. Any information about the valid codes (zalochke) is usually stored in EPPROM together with other parameters settings. To eliminate this blockage There are several ways, most of which is the correct input specific Unlock Code, which is the most magically removes zalochke.
This code can either be a function of the IMEI of your phone or hard wired to flash and when it is checking the phone removes this information. Another way to relieve zalochke called partial flashing, but it has some drawbacks. So the easiest way is to write "clean" blocks most EEPROM device. The first and third methods are forced to work the machine to fully unlockable. If we talk about the unlock, you can remember that it may be true for such concepts as change IMEI and security code removal (The latter, incidentally, he forgets every three to install it). There are other ways, but they involve more complications. Very often, users have the question arises how to work the phone after such procedures. The answer, as always depends on who made the withdrawal zalochke as correctly and properly taken SIM-lock can not affect the way your phone. Maybe just for that would not face such procedures, and many prefer Chinese phones that often are copies of European manufacturers of mobile phones, which are so fond of these measures of caution.