A agroflorestal system is not developed in the office, but yes in the field. An attitude must be adopted to hear the producer, to learn as if to use of the popular culture, to establish a communication fluency. The agriculturists must be seen as co-authors of the work, as agents of the process. The term agroflorestais systems is relatively new, but it corresponds practical the old ones, carried through for traditional populations of entire world, as much in tropical climate as subtropical. What it rescues is the necessity of a new model of development, with a new philosophy? the sustainable development. This development must have base in the potentialities of the proper system, go in favor of the nature and not against it. The used technologies must be simple, practical, of low cost of investment. The systems must be economically and socially viable.
The economic and social support estimates in its inclusion the diversification economic, local industrialization, participation of the local population and improvement of the quality of life. In terms of ecological support the following aspects are vital: the conservation of the natural resources and the intensive use of trees, being that these last ones have basic paper in the ciclagem of nutrients, the hdrico balance and the control of the erosion. Therefore to establish agroflorestal system it is necessary to know the physical unit to be worked and to identify to all its potentialities, especially biodiversity. The espaamento must be questioned which and when to plant, therefore a very great density of plantation will cause minor productivity due to competition for water, light and nutrients. On the other hand, a very great espaamento will be space wastefulness, what it will make the productivity for area also to be low. To determine when plantar it must be led in account will have fire use, what it can make impracticable the simultaneous plantation of others species.
Another factor if to consider is that species exist that need sombreamento. In such a way, the complexity of the agroflorestais systems makes with that advantages and disadvantage in its adoption exist. As advantage it can be mentioned: compensatory action (bigger efficiency in the use of the production factors? water, light and nutrients), minor incidence of harmful plants, greater ecological stability, better feeding for the agriculturist, greater protection of the ground against erosion, greater productivity, better distribution of man power throughout the year, minor variability in the production and minor economic risk. As disadvantage, it can be cited: difficulty of handling of the cultures, difficulty in the planning (bigger complexity due the interactions of the system), eventual greater incidence of plagues and illnesses and lack of research in agroflorestais systems in Brazil. For the consideraes it is observed that the agroflorestais systems are not the magical formulas stop to correct all males of the farming sector of the Amaznia, but represents an instrument importantssimo and a significant advance in direction to the sustainable development. What it is clear, in function of the current knowledge, however, is perhaps that this form of exploration of the land, more than what another one, must be boarded with extreme caution for each region where will occur its adoption. Emanuel Searching Cavalcante- of the Embrapa Amap