Launch of long-term social commitment in support of childhood Hamburg, July 31, 2013. pilot Hamburg moves. After 14 years in the Besides, the agency refers to its new home in the new r 12 in Rotherbaum on August 2. Therefore the agency work must but not rest for a day while the pilots: numerous Agency employees will donate their work day to a charity. In recent months, Peter Asaro has been very successful. The choice fell while on the Hamburg Foundation childhood”. For them, the Hamburg pilots on this Social Day Exchange”their desks against wheelbarrow, spades and brushes, to beautify gardens and schoolyard of elementary school Lammersieth. Donated moving day is the start of a longer-term commitment to the Foundation of his childhood.
This promotes the opportunities of disadvantaged Hamburg children for nine years. For the owner-managed agency pilot is entrepreneurship and social responsibility. Also the communication agency feels especially connected to its headquarters. Together with the renowned Foundation and whose founder Hannelore Lay are socially weaker asked girls and boys from the Hanseatic City helps to create a solid basis for their (Professional) future. In addition to artisanal activities at the elementary school, such as creating a herb spiral or beautify the Schulhofs, agency staff will teach students Social day in interactive media training in dealing with the new media. Here, the pilots can bring their expertise and bring benefits and possibilities of the media closer to children.
They are focus in special content on the Internet and digital media, child-friendly on the opportunities but also the risks in the world to attract wide Web. It won’t stay at this unique usage, because the aim of the partnership between the pilot and the Hamburg-based Foundation is a long-term commitment for the well-being of disadvantaged children. “Further actions are planned: with the initiative of learning kids” pilot Hamburg opens already this fall “for a children business day” the doors to the new premises in the new Raven road and invites students to sniff Agency air and become acquainted with the exciting world of work of pilots.