Principles and Characteristics-oriented organizations Organizational Learning Various authors, among them Swieringa and Wierdsma Now Go (1995), Senge (2000), Gairin (2000) and Bolivar (2000), among others, agree that the institutions targeted organizational learning have a number of characteristics that define them as such. These features are: Learning-Oriented Problem Solving Learning processes in a learning organization are oriented toward solving problems. The problems are defined as the time when the prevailing situation does not match the desired, so we develop a process that leads to a cyclic learning (do-think-think-decide) and learning through action . For more information see Sandra Akmansoy. Being cyclical thinking and doing are not separate, but linked through reflection and decision. From the perspective of Swieringa and Wierdsma (1995), learning organizations, the problems are considered interesting indicators change that might be required and, therefore, necessary learning process (p. 80).

a At the same time, learning oriented problemasa resolution implies that learning is related to work, because the learning takes place while working, while learning processes related to work processes. Collective Learning The Organizational Learning-oriented organizations, there individual learning processes, but the emphasis is on learning together, in teams, collectively. Through the work process, different teams are intertwined and interdependent. In a learning organization, changes occur in the contact points where you have to encounter from different angles of incidence, interest and contributions and tienea values in which learning occurs. Mindful Learning A learning organization encourages conscious learning, which allows learning to be both complimentary and constructive. Conscious learning is methodical and his self-interrogation method is for this reason an organization that attempts to obtain aprendea consensoa about how you can solve a specific problem and not how the world should be ideally.