This adds interest to the graffiti. Dondi, one of the first writers, says that he uses wildstyle when he writes for other writers when he wrote to the audience that uses straight letters (Chalfant & Cooper 70-71). Original ideas have always been the target of writers, Nobody wanted to glorify himself ‘biting’ (artistic plagiarism). Between writers experiencing conflict, when one accused the other of plagiarism. Battery has compatible beliefs.
Writers are also deliberately made their work over the others is an act of contempt in graffiti community. This often led to clashes between writers and teams. Writers their work over the other for several reasons: a call for competition, limited space to work, revenge for the other acts or for the fact that this writer snitched on the other. Infamous Cap, presented in the documentary Style Wars, was a well known fact that he did his work over the others, just for fun. Lee, said of the it: ‘One time I suspected that Cap works for the government, which planned to kill all the work’ (Rock. A. Party 41). You may wish to learn more. If so, Energy Capital Partners is the place to go. Most of the newcomers often want to get recognition from the more famous and advanced writers, from whom they learn all aspects of graffiti – from raytinga the depot to create their own style.
The relationship pupil / teacher fairly common in the world of graffiti. For the beginner ‘the best way to learn anything or to examine key aspects of the history of art graffiti, from simple to complex ‘(Chalfant & Cooper 32). Founders of graffiti, such as Taki 183, Phase ii, 149, Blade, Seen, Lee, Bama, Kase 2, and others honor and respected among contemporary writers, and look in their eyes, sometimes even more mythical. ‘Stories about them, their peers and their achievements are the basis of graffiti folklore ‘(Chalfant & Cooper 17). Glory Glory may come to the writers in several ways – writer can get fame through the media (interviews, photographs in newspapers, work in music videos, etc.). Taki 183 was the first who reached fame in this way. Writers who have achieved fame called the king. They may be ‘King of Style’; ‘King of the Insides’; ‘King of the Line’, etc. Thank all the time changing, changing, respectively, and the king. in, which was held on entire city by bombing the subway, was hailed by some writers as ‘King of Everything’. Although the style, color, size and shape is important, the process of working with the surface is in the first place. 1970 were outstanding for the graffiti in terms of bombing – these were the years of inventions. These were the years when the story begins graffiti and its development up to now.