Therefore, it can be said that the climate, be more quequaisquer other natural systems, exceeds all the borders natural dasatividades and human beings, influencing in the water, the plants, the fauna and agriculture. It is the performance of these factors and elements that determines the climticasdos conditions places and is responsible for the differences between the landscapes. How much to the climatic factors, as relief, latitude, altitude, distance or proximity of the sea, geographic position and vegetation, soestticos and they influence the climate in lesser degree of intensity, in mesoescala. Quandoa scales of the study becomes local, the topography, the surface of the ground and avegetao starts to be excellent in the alterations of the ambient aspects dostio urban. For the interaction between these climatic components and factors, and considering still the diverse regions of the land, that occurs the formation dosclimas.

2. URBAN CLIMATE EVEGETAO Them plantasformam a specific environment, that has evolved in forms and comunidadesdiferentes, having if adapted to the types of climate, precipitations and ground. The plants influence the climate and the geraldevido urban way in to the influence that exert in urban microclimates, acting in the control solar daincidncia, of the temperature and in the humidity of air, the winds, rains eexercendo a effect moderator of the pollution of air. The vegetation contributes to seobter pleasant an urban ambincia, therefore it protects of the effect of radiaosolar, creating a filter effect. In some cases, them they constitute ebarreiras canals, in which the foliages function as excellent obstacles. The relation between vegetation and temperature of air if of nocontrole of the solar radiation, the wind and the humidity of air.

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