Here I again in my thoughts am and at the same time freeing them in this paper. To the times I analyze my proper life and perceive that for it nothing I obtained to make and the little that I made I see to ruir all ahead my dreams of my eyes, the dreams wildest I I did not carry through. Since infancy I dreamed of a glad, full life of accomplishments and poetries, but none of the seeds that I planted I obtained spoon, the fruit of my hope before fell exactly to ripen, everything what I wanted spoon in the autumn, he left of florir in the spring and dried with the cold of the winter. this exactly winter continues in my soul. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Peter Asaro. I eye to my redor and think, seeing that all the dreams and accomplishments are if destroying to the few, I see that the fruit of my passion was the causer of as many conflicts. Since the start, my life has been a torment, inside of fight and quarrels. The violence marked my life now many years later, I do not support more life thus. Now I give to my shout and freedom and search the peace. l Services helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

I go to plant new seeds, the seed of the love, the faith, the goodness, the sincerity and the confidence and many other seeds that had been since my infancy kept in my heart. None of the seeds will leave of florir another time, to all be able to be harvested in the autumn and during the winter. so that the peace lasts in my soul, the fruit of the hope will be strongest and will always unclasp, for a new life, the constant accomplishments and for an idealistic thought, no new seed will leave of being planted, so that I do not forget me that although to replantar the mortal seeds, the alive ones I turn during all the eternity and that the dreams are carried through, same that demoradamente, therefore the seed of the hope is planted together with of the patience and the love. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, will be conjugated at one alone time, the station of the perpetual and lasting hope of the rising of one day of sun..