Tag Archive: history

The Organization

According to Commission agent, asua family more than commercializes the bovine meat the one hundred years, and in the fair deUmbaba, since the beginning of its foundation in 1954. Beyond commercializing to efornecer the product, he is a great employer, generating more than fifty empregosdireto and indirect, it abates since it until the sales in the market. (As opposed to altavista). Commission agent affirms that afeira this passing for a process of> reorganization, aiming at to improve aqualidade of the product and the organization of space. For it the fair of Umbaba uma of the most income-producing of the region center-south of the state 14. In the commerce of the fair, the products and suasdiversas are considered forms of if commercializing, as traditional or new, that implicamna practical of reduced prices, in function of its informal character, davulnerabilidade of the merchandises and the competition between the salesmen. Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment often says this. Bonanza in the day of the fair, the city increases ofertade available services; medical consultations, hairdresser, consertos in mquinase electronic equipment, mechnical works and others. In the fair of Umbaba it is possible to disclose a polissemia desociabilidades. Weekly, the central urban space of Umbaba is busy porinmeros social citizens, frequent that it to carry through its atividadeseconmicas, social and cultural.

In these spaces of the colloquies, the traditions of the meeting, the trespasses, of experiences, of the purchases, the eorais corporal performances, paqueras and exchanges, innumerable people effect the capitalist reproductions sociaise of the daily life. In this way, the fair if institutes, before detudo, in a space of commercial and social mobilities where, for way dasdiversificadas dynamic, you rise a net of social agent vivenciadaspelos sociabilities in the scope of the constructed territories. In accordance with Braudel, frequented in fixed days the fair um natural center of the social life. It is in it that the people if find, talk, if they insult, pass of threats to the lives in fact, is in it also quenascem some incidents.


The anacronismo properly said, when we attribute values of a time to another one, opposing or better expressing, ignoring and disrespecting one another reality. Example: to speak on Internet in Old Greece, being that we know that as much the technology how much the term did not exist at such time. This example esdrxulo was only for not leaving doubts regarding the anacronismo, but we could even though think about one same concept in distinct realities, as for example, the democracy Greek and what our society contemporary understands as democracy. After this brief clarification concerning the anacronismo, we go the question that I consider here. It is consensus between the historiogrficas theoretical lines that the man belongs to its time, that is, is arraigado of values and consequentemente positions of the time where it lives, being passive nuances of the period where he is inserted. Mainly the professionals of certain areas, as the historians for example, must have acuidade in the treatment of such question, respecting the values of a time when if it premakes use to study it, serving of methodology and ethical position so that it can make a multicriteria analysis and searching to denigrate the possible minimum its object of study. The controversy that here explicit has as mote this paradox, as a man, being subject of its time, can analyze without committing the anacronismo, leading in consideration that not only its look, more also the method that uses is contemporary and that consequentemente he will be being anachronistic when studying the previous processes to its time? The conclusion that I arrive is that the anacronismo is inevitable, however, is tolerable until certain intolerable point and from other points. The validity of the anacronismo while ' ' positivo' ' if it relates to the fact to be limited has a method contemporary, being carried through by a man in its time, loading in the bulge different values of its object of study, leading in consideration that does not occur a total removal between researcher and object of study, what it takes in them to as the point, anachronistic intolerncia is what it serves as parameter to take precautions itself of mistakes.

Thus being, the more anachronistic, less faithful it will be its analysis and how much lesser this mistake, more consistency gets in the application of the method. The moved away look must also make the researcher to attempt against it the distanciamento, if not making of redentor, but having some conscience of its immense limitations, looking for at times, the more remote, sources ' ' brutas' ' , in the direction of more fidedignidades to the caught period. What it can be mentioned as example, the coherence of the French philosopher Michel Foucautl, when writing its History of the Sexuality, the search in knowing the language Greek who was the origin of sources of the treated subject, respecting the nomenclature based on studies pautados for theoretical referencial of philosophers of the proper period, giving a bigger credibility for leaving that she almost said for itself the analyzed texts, sending air-tight process to it of translation with the minimum of transliterao that it was possible. The anacronismo does not exclude the credibility of the historiogrfica research, but always it will be a shade to the watch, desiring to any incautiousness, to swallow the believed luminosity of the epgonos of the mitolgicos demiurges of long ago.

Western Scientific

The growth of economic indicators in the period amounted to more than 10% per year, which at first delighted and then shocked the world superpower. To the scientific and technological development of the state recovered from devastating effects of World War II, was used strategy, already used once in an era Meytszi. The development of science and technology in the home require enormous costs and, more importantly, many years, which threatened to severe economic backwardness. For 30 years, since 1949 Japan has acquired a total of 34 thousand licenses and patents in their western colleagues. have been creatively elaborated by the Japanese and, most importantly, quickly put into production. The first the owners of Western firms do not perceive Japan as a potential competitor, and therefore sold the patents and licenses for literally pennies. As a result of the creation of scientific and technical potential cost of Japan in 78 billion dollars, and scientists met the shortest possible time.

The effectiveness of this strategy is estimated between 400% – in general, up to 1800% – in some sectors). At the turn of 60-70 years. West has stopped coming to his senses scientific and technical makeup of Japanese competitor, but by that time Japan has already established its own R & D base. To date, the science of Japan at the forefront of new technologies. Taking into account the experience of the past, the country uses most of its development to improve the quality of life and environmental protection. Created and perfected a new, environmentally-friendly engines for cars, robots and effective medicines, make life easier disabled citizens, saved and reused energy and precious metals.