If you have recently installed PVC windows with double-glazed, then they will surely satisfy all modern requirements: provide sufficient thermal insulation, protection from street noise and dust. All this is made possible by a complex window design: multi-chamber profile system, window fittings, glass of two or three glasses, the contours of seals. In order to make it reliably perform its functions, all of these systems require compliance with technology in the assembly and installation into the opening. However, for various reasons, the violation of the assembly technology and installation of translucent structures occur, and very often leads to breakage of parts plastic windows and to repair them. The most common defects in the windows. 1. Blowing out the window of the interface frame and sash of a slope, the window sill. Perhaps check out Mikkel Svane for more information. May help control plastic windows 2.

If a strong, oblique rain flows. 3. When you open wing it rubs the frame, there are other sounds, crackling when you turn the knob. This failure leads to failure of the hardware components of the plastic and its replacement or repair. 4. Tight opening when to apply considerable efforts in order to close or open the sash. Also leads to failure of the locking hardware.

5. Frequent misting, icing on the glass, saying 'windows are crying' or 'flow', the appearance of mold on the slopes. Often due to the violation of the technology installation, or may be too 'cold' windows. 6. Crack the glass, which appeared after the installation of structures. Replacing the glass 7. Reducing noise insulation. All of these symptoms or talk about violation of assembly technology, or of mistakes made during installation, or a violation of conditions of plastic windows and require early intervention specialist to repair. All are guaranteed to be eliminated different ways, and the sooner the cause of failure will be determined by the window, the easier, faster and cheaper to repair it.

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