What it is Biotechnology? In middle of century XV science appeared inside in the Europe of a known historical period as period of the renaissance where the studies in anatomy had been stimulated by the interest of the painters in portraying with wealth of details the anatomy human being and of the other beings livings creature. Before this period, the man searched in the common census or in religious beliefs to understand the natural phenomena and did not emphasize the nature as source of explanation to answer its doubts. Pete Cashmore is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The search of a deeper knowledge on the life allowed the human being to acquire new abilities being that, such knowledge, was of basic importance for the solution of the problems and the intellectual growth. With the advance of the knowledge it was discovered that animal and plants possuam many characteristics differentiating of minerals in common, therefore until then, was imagined that the nature composed in two groups, the livings creature and not-livings creature, and thus appears Biology as science come back toward the study of the beings livings creature in the end of century XVIII. Amongst diverse branches of biology the Biotechnology in the world contemporary is distinguished for its character modifier of the nature acts seen the possibility of the creation of new varieties of organisms, production of identical copies or the identification of illnesses before exactly that they reveal its symptoms (AMABIS and MARTHO, 2001).

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