“For HAIDARI users: mobile computing for craftsmen, fun and time saving Prince + Sahner, the specialist for efficient solutions in the handicraft business, provides HAIDARI ProNotiz” before: a Schreibboard with the craftsmen as usual brings sketches, measurements, and other notes on plain paper, and you can import later directly into the computer. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. In the computer, are associated with the notes in the HAIDARI craftsman software equal to the right customers and projects and are available for later research on mouse click. No information will be lost more, nothing has to be recognised more twice. Craftsmen who have tried ProNotiz, want to no longer forgo this practical Companion: the project discussion with the customer, to the construction, maintenance and repair suburb. Not looking at their unusual skills at first glance the writing of HAIDARI ProNotiz: In the DIN A4 format, with art leather cover, it has pockets for small items and cards, loops for Pens, as well as a standard Notepad. Normally, you’d think everything. “Once captured, always available but the secret is in the writing pad: the supplied pens, the analog information” brings to paper, transfers the information at the same time on a touchpad, that what is written in the form of digital records and stores. Back in the Office, the touchpad is simply connected with the USB port of the computer.
The notes are automatically displayed on the screen and can drag and drop”in the HAIDARI module doc import the appropriate projects and customers associated, stored, edited, organized in any way, or also emailed. The craftsman software HAIDARI mobile applications at HAIDARI is characterised by intuitive usability and practical amenities. This is evident not only on ProNotiz, but also on many other mobile applications, providing the system and that the craftsman can save time and work every day. Whether electronic mobile Room measurement with PDA and laser measuring device, mobile time tracking via PDA or mobile storage accounting: routine work be done efficiently and quickly with HAIDARI and transmitted without media discontinuity to the software, where they are available such as for costing and quoting. Manual transmission no longer exists, errors a thing of the past.
Prince + Sahner offers the HAIDARI ProNotiz Board including integration in existing HAIDARI software solution for the introductory price of 295 (plus VAT). About Prince + Sahner GbR the Prince + Sahner GbR was founded in 1988. It offers comprehensive IT – and TK service up to 1,000 jobs for mid-sized companies. The customers include in particular craft, but also hospitals, car dealers, engineering companies, stand builders, advertising technology companies, engineering firms, printers, surgeries and pharmacies. Gunter Sahner is certified data protection officer and TuV certified data protection auditor.