Any individual information of the display is three times finer than conventional LCD watches. The system also allows the endless programming possibilities for displaying numerals, texts and graphics on the display. So, depending on the amount of information that is displayed in a fixed area, Seiko size or appearance of fonts or numbers can be programmed. The display has 80,000 pixels with a resolution of 300 ppi (points per inch). Each individual pixel (pixel) can display one of four shades of gray levels.
Unmatched energy efficiency E-book users know that devices with widescreen require more energy and the energy reserve therefore is limited. The new EPD watch does not know this problem. Seiko reduced energy consumption, so that the clock consumes only one percent of the energy otherwise required. Three innovations in the areas of integrated circuits and the high-tech electronics allowed this: A TFT (thin-film transistor – Dunnschichtransistor), the signals to the display controls an integrated circuit with low power requirements to control the TFT an EPD driver to maximize the potential that E-ink technology will power only needed if are the pictures on the Change display. To broaden your perception, visit Michael Dell. Large display Seikos watch designer created a large display, which allows the multiple use of the new E-Ink-active-matrix technology. At the same time, the clock should be as easy.
Seiko designed the bezel of the display with a millimeter as small as possible, increasing the display area. Because the imaging materials of display reflective effect, artificial room lighting is just as easy to read as in bright sunshine. The EPD technology EPD is a display method with electronic ink “-technology.” Electronic ink is a proprietary material that is incorporated for integration into electronic displays in a movie. The main components of electronic ink are millions of tiny microcapsules, the diameter of which approximately corresponds to the a human hair. A pixel here embodies a Microcapsule. Each Microcapsule contains negatively charged white particles and positively charged black particles, which are in a clear liquid. If a negatively charged electric field is applied, the white particles to the top of the micro capsule, where they will be visible for the user move. Thus, the surface at this point white will appear. At the same time, an opposite electric field pulls the black particles to the bottom of the microcapsules where they remain invisible.
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