It is possible to stand out that in year 1,663, the English Samuel Morland made a machine able to realise trigonometrical calculations and in year 1,666 created a machine very similar to the one of Pascal. In ao1.671 that the German mathematician Wilheim Leibnitz, who gave to the great passage towards the improvement of the machines calculators. Gottfried Wilheim. Wilheim was born in Leipzig in 1.646. Leibnitz arrived at the calculation through combinatory analysis, the annotation of the calculation so what and we know as it must to a large extent to this man.
Leibnitz created a machine that could add, remain, multiply and to divide, using the principles outlined by Pascal to realise the multiplication and division by means of the addition and the repeated subtraction, the elements keys in the machine of Leibnitz were the staggered cylinders, but it was not any commercial successful by same the reasons that their predecesoras, the first machines calculator that were designed with commercial aims were realised by Charles Xavier Thomas, in Alcasia and to them the staggered wheels of Leibnitz were gotten up. Leibnitz also studied by far success the binary system, which is the base of the modern computers. But the interest that had Leibnitz was religious but scientist and this did not turn in constructing a test of the existence of the supreme being (God). 1.5 THE PUNCHED CARDS, THE PRODUCTION IN SERIES. JACQUARD AND WHITNEY. The first punched card the weave loom, invented in 1.801 by the French Joseph-Marie Jacquard, still used at present, is controlled by means of punched cards. The loom of Jacquard operates of the following way: cards are perforated strategically and they comply in certain sequence to indicate a weave in particular. Charles Babbage, English visionary and university professor of Cambridge, could have accelerated the development if he and their inventive mind had been born 100 years later.