I hope that at least some of those people ever learn to distinguish between these two different things. So how do you distinguish pirated from licensed products? We must start with packaging. The first screening factor should serve as the appearance of the packaging itself (labels with pictures and a description of the disk). All letters on the packaging of the license. disk should be clear, even if there is a very small text, it is still will read the letter and will not merge with each other. Lazy and cheap pirates can print the scanned image with the loss of quality, etc.
But today, most of these pirates still trying to make a perfect package. The presence of a second disk holograms. At present, not at all license disks present a hologram, but if they have, then we have the very high quality. On the hologram usually indicate disc publisher. Special tags inaccessible to the naked eye. Ceramic badges, nameplates. Peel without breaking, impossible. Microtext visible only when fifteen times magnification.
Protection in the infrared range: contrast and without contrast areas. But check this information can only be by special devices, the inhabitant of reach. But pirates are trying to "zapudrit" brain buyer is stuck his hologram. Some if you look made of foil. More money, and pirates can be ordered similar logos, making them very similar to the originals. Third. On the license. drives always show a complete, truthful and reliable information. Copyrights manufacturing companies, bar code, table of specifications (screen, sound, language, region, sub-title, genre, duration, year, age restrictions), number and date of rental certificates, list of manufacturing plants (full name, license number and legal address). vaf number must be identical to the packaging and on the reverse side of the disc. Fourth. The image on the disk must be of high quality and reflect the contents of the disc. There should be no streaks, etc On the back party shall attend copyrights manufacturing companies (necessarily coincide with the copyrights on the cover), the name of the plant manufacturer (eg ooo Wee Dee Dee – Club ", etc.). May be present: the signature of "name movie year, "notches a bar code. Licensed discs are stamped on the plants, not cut, so the readable side of the disc should not be a band, though the disc was recorded, and the drive must have smooth edges, and the mirror surface. For everyday practices can be attributed to the beam on a keychain laser. If you send a beam on the surface of the license disk, we can see the point. Pirate same drive will add more to the point, and two highly visible parallel lines. Well, well not buy the disc, where sell discs (7-12 films and the like), it should immediately alert you. Well that's all, good luck with your purchases.
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