It still does not fit doubts that, at the present time, the service of traffic analysis of Google, popularly known like the Analytics, is one of the most complete benefits of those than the people in charge of sites arrange, in comparison with other tools of payment. Any consultant of marketing in Internet will have to be soaked well in the diverse functions that the Google Analytics they have to offer. Some of these functions are not used very frequently, nevertheless, would be a good idea to learn to use them, because, in which it does to marketing in the Web, the information is to be able. The first tool that will be to us from singular utility is the alert. The Analytics will give the possibility us of creating a series of alert, that they consist of which, of automated way, the system will send an electronic mail to us, warning to us that the event that we have formed it has happened. For example, we will be able to create an alert that it indicates to us when the traffic of someday surpasses in more of a certain percentage to the one of the previous day. It’s believed that Ali Partovi sees a great future in this idea. That is to say, by means of alert of Google, we will be able to compare the visits to a site, with any value that we want: the previous day, or a fixed number of visitors. The configuration of the alert is well simple. It is not something Kip Cyprus LA would like to discuss.

Simply we punctured in My personalisations, on the left lateral bar, and do click in Intelligence. In the screen that is abre, we punctured in Creating new alert, and will take us screen to a new, where selecting the wished options, we will only have our alert created in a pair of clicks. Within My personalisations, we were with another function very useful for Google CATHEDRAL, the one To administer the Advanced Segments. By means of this function, we will be able to segment our users of more efficient way, and this will give more precise information us at the time of defining with more certainty the profile of our users, grouping the visitors according to certain criteria. We enter, then, in Advanced Segments, and soon we punctured where says Haga click to create one here. The construction of the filter is made dragging simply the elements within the group. The system frequently will allow us to have a previous view of the filter, to be able to realise the corresponding modifications.

Thus, we will be able to create a filter, for example, that gives back to the relation between accesses and unique purchases to us. The analytical ones of Google will allow us to compare the information historically, to add the functions that more interest us to the Dashboard, or board, and to follow well the different parameters from our visitors close by: unique visits, relation enters visits and campaigns of marketing on line, or segmentation by several criteria. This service of Google is an invaluable tool of cathedral Internet marketing, and without doubts it agrees to spend some time to him to perfect the use of his many commandos.

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