640 and 47 (must) gross wage and withholding income tax, 460 and 47 (haber) see rewards in) species use of car by example. To the purchase of the car for 30,000 euros was made for example, 228 (must) and 57 (having) depreciation, 68 (must) and 28 (have) for example 6,000 by the private use of the vehicle 64 (must) and 75 (be), for 6,000 (75 = revenue by services personnel) by retention IPRF, 64 (must) and 47 (haber) conciliation VAT establish the necessary conciliation between posted business in : Sales (totaling Group 70 accounting) VAT (accounting, totaling having group 477) purchases (totaling group 60 accounting) VAT (accounting, summation should group 472) and the book of VAT, models 300/310 and 3 corresponding 390 l as well as the mod. resulting 347 crossed by purchases and sales business. The presupuesto de tesoreria here should keep in mind that after PE (Strategic Plan), and the PR (budget corresponding to the pension account of exploitation, should establish the Treasury budget, on the basis precisely, to the expected flows, month by month, going to) differ in their accrual of their time of generation. Consider a possible example…
IAS / IFRS documents to be generated appearance of the reasonable value, one that gives you market, the service life of the analyzed good or replacement of new TDV-Test for impairment, calculating whether the value attributed accounted for, is different from the fair value or market. What happens if there is no reasonable criteria for market? is applied even the value subjectively we understand that we must give (use value) possible structure of the future Balance. The BAI (profit before tax) and the account of exploitation VISION financial set the resulting financial vision of all operations carried out, in summary to check the image offered to third parties. Balance sheet, punctual and pension to December account exploitation, punctual and pension to three recent comparative December exercises both previous documents special observation of the observed volumes of business and its tendency as well as the CMV (cost goods sold) evolution of the personnel expenses, absolute and relativized sales Oya (source and application of funds) between the last two years and the first and the last current.