Since money was invented began to develop a series of forms, strategies, tricks, ideas, etc., to achieve this. There are those who spend a lifetime with ideas in head of how to make money and how to get him, however, it may be that the formula for making money is not very far from us, perhaps who puts away the map of fortune and money are our beliefs and attitudes in front of him, because if in this world there is more money that we think what is what prevents us from having it? Powerful beliefs: A belief is a way of seeing and understanding life. Already discusses much of them in workshops, books and conferences of personal development. Beliefs underpin the way of life and they attract all kinds of experiences. There we can say that there are two types of beliefs: the limitations and non-limiting. A limiting belief is one that limits us to receive, be experiencing or have something we want.
Are examples of limiting beliefs to attract the money: is difficult to have money do not there is No work there is money around It is very expensive life is difficult if I buy what I want, I’m going to run out of money have to endure many things unpleasant for money have to compromise the values to get money I have to be a little liar to have good relations and money have to endure this work although I don’t like the list could be very long, but these examples give an idea of everything that some US broadcast adults who raised us and accept us as truth. So then we grew up and we repeat behavior, although they are not as optimal for our lives. A very effective way to begin to attract money to life, is to begin to get rid of all the beliefs that don’t serve us but to limit us.