In this book, the virtual library rather than an alternative is the response that is needed. It is the strategy of survival that must be articulated, from a proper interpretation of the context in which develops.Since the introduction the author opens a large space for the debate, presenting multiple ideas that confront us, as the economy of knowledge, from which understands the context in which knowledge moves factors control, selection, purpose, power and capacity – elements that use the societies, in their struggle to be better equipped, more lists to understand, build and act upon that knowledge.Raising a new concept of information, part of a new concept or perhaps a new vision of what today is the middle. The primacy of the book as a single element, naked to dress it with images, colors, numbers, sounds, that are changing as fast as the world is changing. Mysteriously the information ceases to occur in a linear manner, as always the We had to become a multiple possibility, that is not already more to specific spaces, private premises or a user in particular. And in this radical change also change or are stripped all the old structures that nested this linear conception of information, its management, its handling: the traditional library, the curricula of schools of librarianship, services, processes, the same librarian.From this sort of demystification, there are a series of directions, from guides offered the book to understand and thus have the possibility of creating new ways of working within a wide range of information systems, embedded in this global society that mark us the guideline, if it isn’t that defines our work, and places us before continuing and new demands. And this is an additional wealth of the book: the interpretation and evaluation of systems, technologies, programs, experiences, which serve as great tools to visualize all possible strategies to create a virtual library.The author analyzes, from Latin America – the most unequal region of the planet, the possibility of escaping evil of exclusion, as Freire, defining it through an idea of different information, view this as a strategic product, where the levels of technological polarization will revert and serve to recover the capacity to act and be competitive. Such is the idea of centres of knowledge and networking.

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