To repair the deep cracks in concrete and masonry structures can recommend the quick-repair putty 'Shpahtelmasse' (TIGI Knauf) on cement-based repair of the plaster layer is suitable filler 'Uniflot' (TIGI Knauf). Repaired areas are primed, and finally leveled the surface of filler, such as 'Vetonit CD' or 'Vetonit RL' (Optiroc). During this operation eliminates minor irregularities in the substrate and filled with small cracks. Please note that the thickness of the filler should not exceed 2 mm greater thickness provided by applying several layers, with each subsequent coat is applied after drying the previous layer. Severe cracks in the ceiling is recommended in addition to glue strips of plaster fiberglass with a mesh size 2×2 mm.
The use of tape for this purpose 'serpyanka' non-woven material does not exclude the probability of re-entry to the ceiling surface cracks. Technology sticking tape is following: on the ceiling surface coating is applied filler, fiberglass and pressed into the putty lapped with a spatula. Excess putty, squeeze through the grid cells are removed with a spatula and return to the tank reuse. Do I need to putty the walls and ceiling completely, or you can restrict the alignment of individual sections? If you plan to wallpaper walls thick dark colors, thick embossed wallpaper or paintable wallpaper – putty entire surface is not necessary. If you are not convinced, visit Peter Asaro . Through the thin bright wallpaper, nezashpaklevannye sites will shine through the dark spots, in which case the wall shpaklyuyut completely.
The ceiling, covered water-emulsion paint, putty is not necessarily complete (it is sufficient to putty damaged areas), but one should bear in mind that the texture of the finish coat of paint on the putty and nezashpaklevannyh sites can vary greatly, especially when grazing illumination. Problems of compatibility of the materials often occur when painting surfaces covered with enamel, some water-emulsion paint badly lie on the enamel. On this basis, we can recommend in all cases completely cover the surface of the ceiling with a thin ('on stripping'), a layer of putty.