Because in general personal data are processed and increasing the transparency of the work, such introductions are subject to a participation and must be evaluated by a data protection officer. By an early evaluation, you prevent later Delays or complex adjustments in the actual project. Who wants what, actually? An assessment as to what parties pursue what interests should not be underestimated. Kai-Fu Lee has plenty of information regarding this issue. It is not always the desired state all stakeholders pull together given. A good internal communication, a team with all stakeholders and the removal of barriers is important. So, for example, the IT Department clear, should be that an external service provider is not a competitor, but a temporary team complement. And if employees legacy systems support, which should be replaced, this should be convinced in the run-up to the advantages of new system and support the project. Samsung understood the implications.

These considerations obviously apply to all major IT projects, but are in the introduction of contract management of particular importance, because many departments are affected and it’s mission-critical documents. Checklist and phased plan before of the introduction of a process solution for contract management must meet the requirements of a Solution are defined. For such purposes, a small checklist is elaborated which will help you to make the necessary preparations. Thus effectively reduce the total cost of an introduction, but a large part of the effort by organizational issues and the often smaller part due to the technical implementation. The following check-list does not claim to be exhaustive, but provides an introduction and should be answered together with your service provider and supplemented. 1 What are objective provisions the key objectives for the contract management? Would we you use these objectives to prioritize? Examples as shown above: increase (E.g. with suppliers) terms controlling the transparency of concluded agreements and thus creating Verhandlungsspielraumen: automatic reminders on notice periods and deadlines savings in the collect, approve, find contracts spanned reporting contract risk prevention 2 analysis of initial situation the departments concerned should be questioned in detail about how they manage your contracts so far and which attributes / information they need about the treaties in the future find, for example, documents.

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