The Zieger GmbH from Berlin informs its clients modern flat-panel displays have overtaken long CRT monitors. In comparison, they are easy, save space, and a lot of power. It is thanks to these properties that TFT monitors clearly dominate the market. Any technical device can become the problem case and flat screens make no exception. The permanent representation of defective pixels, so-called pixels, is a known problem with TFT technology.
The Zieger GmbH knows as leading partner for the electronics industry but also unexpected problems with the modern TFT technology. A particularly surprising problem is represented in the following real-life case history: A hot summer day is coming to an end and a computer owner opens the window, enjoying the evening cool air to enter. After having spent some time at his computer, his concentration is interrupted by an unexpected movement on the flat screen. It is an insect, the he it with a casual hand motion will scare away. Far from! The annoying little creatures will not disappear and moves unimpressed in the field of view of the computer owner. The gesture is hectic, finally he finds the insect by means of finger pressure to eliminate.
At this point the astonished people it falls like scales from the eyes that crawls tiny animal it is not on the screen around in the monitor! How is it that that an insect inside a TFT displays crawling around right in front of the eyes of the beholder? The summer heat heated houses and their surroundings. Due to internal heat buildup, the Interior heat up more strongly and cool down at the beginning of the evening more slowly than the outside world. It naturally draws insects to light and heat. The combination of light and high temperature acts as a magnet on the animals that try to get to the light and heat source.
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