The interpretation of the dreams of which Freud if dedicated to study in them says that the dreams are, ' ' the main road that takes to the knowledge of the unconscious aspects of our life psquica' ' (FREUD, 1900, apud ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 44). Freud conceives the idea of that one insight (intuition) of something forbidden (unconscious desire) a time in the life only occurs. The unconscious contents had always been gifts and if they reveal in our life of diverse forms, however, these unconscious manifestations had only had total attention with the works of Freud on the interpretation of the dreams, that until then was rejected for the scientists of the time. Freud always focused what during millenia he was ' ' point cego' ' of our perceptions, feelings and thoughts, what, in a certain way, always it was present and what, however, we refused to confer the dignity of our attention. (MONZANI, 1989, p.57) the dreams possess manifest contents and latent and to make the distinction of these contents for Freud it was a canal of meeting for the queerness of the people who came across with its thoughts. Therefore, the latent contents of the dreams, indicated manifestations of the unconscious one and were necessary exclusive methods to understand the Real meant, done this, the dreams finished if disclosing as unconscious desires with material always stressed and infantile indicating a relation with something of sexual character. To understand the meanings of the dreams a priori was of extreme importance for the psicanaltica theory, therefore through its interpretations, it was possible to unmask the occult material of each individual and concomitantly to understand its construction psychic.

' ' Freud understood that everything what we know regarding we ourselves represents only one small part of what we are in realidade' ' (ESTEVAM, 1995, P. 46). The dreams appear as form to externalizarmos knowledge that we possess, but that we insist on saying that we are unaware of. .

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