Erika M. reacts at the lightest draught with headaches that sometimes for days on end stop. A pain therapy shows initial success. When mental stress she gets stomach and intestinal problems. Overall, she often complains of physical complaints.
Neck pain and chronic tendinitis in addition restrict their quality of life. A lecture in the folk high school of HSP Erika M. is inspired, to obtain more information. It is sure to be highly sensitive and feels relieved by this realization. Her decision to seek therapeutic help, is fixed and it looks with hope to the future. The beautiful pages Hochsensible people have a particularly intense perception. You differentiate strongly and easily discover inconsistencies. Their claims in themselves and their work are high.
They are conscientious, careful, responsible and prone to perfectionism. Highly sensitive fashion like, are creative and have a pronounced Sense of aesthetics. A high proportion is manual and artistically gifted. Culture has a high priority in their lives. Intuition and empathy are pronounced. Highly sensitive are insightful, they cultivate a few but intense. Her sense of Justice and their high moral standards let them fight for a more humane world. Highly sensitive people especially often work in the helping professions. A Hochsensibler has experienced dangers and needs support as a child, not to vote”. The intensive perception of the own body feeling and the sensibilities of his caregivers is negated and the child learns not to trust his inner voice. It focuses his attention outward, and strives to meet the needs of others. Sets the groundwork for future diseases. “Many people know it: In the course of his life a very sensitive person has received countless times the feedback too sensitive to be too complicated and to adapt,”. The coined him attempting to adapt, to be more robust, easily into excessive demands. The knowledge that there are like-minded people who perceive the world with similar sensations, can be strongly supportive.
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