The children who did not follow one ‘ ‘ ritmo’ ‘ established for the group of pairs they were friction and estigmatizadas of incapable. In the intention to carefully examine the form with which the education was if delineating in relation to the learning problems, according to SAUCERS (here. 2002), appear in years 60 to the New school, that excites questionings related to the illness and the failure. Get more background information with materials from Mikkel Svane.
It is transferred to look at it for the individual differences of the pupils, based in the desire of the igualitria society. However for DOTTI (Apud SAUCERS, here. 2002), this trend became impracticable, therefore in a society divided in classrooms, the differences in the direction of incapable rich and capable poor person are strengthened//. Still for the author, the Psicopedagogia, formed for teams to multidiscipline in years 80, it presents a new body of knowledge and position, in relation to the problems of learning and the failure pertaining to school. The author discloses that, according to some theoreticians, the psicopedagogos, start to better understand the failure of learning for which the child it passes.
Its works are based on studies of authors as: Piaget, that if occupies of the intelligent citizen: Vygostsky, that focuses the social citizen: Wallon, that if concentrates in the desejante citizen and Freire, with ideas centered in the anthropology of the learning, tying learning the life. By means of the author, it says that, ‘ ‘ this to rethink of the failure pertaining to school, today, makes with that we redimensionamos the stigma and the preconception in relation to alunos’ ‘. In this in case that, as it affirms DOTTI, … knows that the question of the failure pertaining to school is on to the preconceptions that we have the respect that we have of the child and the poverty.