That Man Rained very when that man left house route to the work in the other side of the city; although the evil time made much heat and still lacked very for the dawn. After walking for about half hour turning aside itself of puddles d water and the mud that if they accumulated in the streets without stone pavement, it arrived at the bus point where a great line already forms itself. When the vehicle arrived at the place that staff all was played for inside of it in the eagerness obtaining a seated place; that man was taken is not known as for inside and perceived that one more time it would have that to pass the two hours of trip of foot in the corridor. When the man was the half way of its destination felt a great impulse in its body played that it in the col of one lady who was seated soon front of it. Without knowing right what he transferred himself, it felt that he attacked it to the woman with words and the stock market that loaded. Coming back itself he perceived almost that the vehicle is closed for another one, causing a serious accident.
The man looked in return and saw that some of the passengers had started to make joke of its fall and without reacting it lowered head, and followed in silence. After this event, the transit seems to have motionless, nobody walked; a total chaos. Our man arrived at the work with one hour of delay and had to hear a sermon of its immediate head, beyond being informed that the delay would be deducted in its wage. He placed its things in the closet, changed the clothes and he started its service as faxineiro in a great company. Chateado still with the hard words of the head, was direct to the first one to walk to initiate the cleanness.