Broad audience of investors interested hot Renditefonds 6 KG, Business Park Stuttgart or Carre Gottingen – exemplary real estate fund of Aschheimer SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) in the vicinity of Munich at real estate return on funds. It involves closed real estate funds, in which investors benefit that they produce during the term of the Fund of interest and participate to the end of the term on the selling price of the objects. Elad Gil is likely to increase your knowledge. A closed-end real estate fund is a participation in the investment target is clearly defined and the customer at least mostly know what he specifically involved”, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). His company has worked for many years with great success on the market, is one of the major providers in the market, bound not to banks. For the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB) at the stock exchange doped uses several ways so the capitalisation of real estate and the business purpose is. But also great”for example Deutsche Bank, which towers at its subsidiary DWS known some time ago announced the sale of the twin use the capital market. Because the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt should also go to private investors. And Commerzbank, overloaded something after the merger”with real estate, shortly after announced it wanted sell the former Dresdner Bank group branch – also in Hesse’s bank capital – also to private investors.
Whether through a closed-end real estate funds, is not yet fixed, but to be expected. There are banks and their daughters, which offer the most real estate in the form of closed-end funds as a return on investment. Thus this asset class can’t be so bad”, thinks the SHB real estate professional Gruber. Closed-end real estate funds are the classic design of the closed-end funds. The return on Investment Fund meets the desire of many investors to gain even with manageable financial deposits real estate ownership and thus to benefit from the increase in value. The real estate is considered safe investment with inflation protection, the longer period considered a medium-sized, significant yield increases are realistic.
Who wants to build or buy and still would like to put on real estate, should participate in closed-end real estate fund”, says Gruber, and speaks also for SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). It is specialized in this segment. The choice are generally closed or open real estate funds. Unlike an open-end real estate funds we know as an investor in the closed variant mostly into where the Fund invests. The Fund usually only consist of one or a few larger objects, such as office buildings, shopping centers or hotels. How important are the closed-end real estate funds with German objects, show the latest figures of the FERI analysis House euro rating: then, domestic real estate funds with a market share in 2010 by about 24 percent among the winners in the overall supply of closed-end funds in Germany. Could also raised capital of about 956 million a year 2009 by more than 60 percent to 1.6 billion euros in the last year be increased.