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If you had a strategy to be happy how serious your life? do you have a strategy to be happy? is happiness important issue in your life? Happiness is the best of all plans and if you think it important, that is already a good starting point. On the basis of there will stop wasting time putting your attention on things that don’t help you to feel good (are important) and then begin to think and pay attention only to what makes you feel good (are now important). At this point you can begin to think about the things that make you happy. The result that you begin to get is a life wonderful, full of everything that you want. When you keep the desire to be happy and you’re aware of how you feel I feel good or I feel bad – if I feel good, I’m celebrating it and add more, and if I am wrong, I am able to give a twist to my thoughts and lead them in the direction of the things that make me feel increasingly better. Others who may share this opinion include Mashable. This way improve your emotional state and magnetism and attract only beautiful things to your life. How do you feel at this moment? Focus on being happy: the desire to be happy is the best of all plans. The strategy for more effective is to intentionally direct your thoughts toward the things that make you happy.

And as a spiral to be happy, you are still finding other thoughts that attract more happiness into your life and all that wonderful wish and that please you. Then the essential strategy is that you approaches you in achieving your best emotion. How to do it? You have to be selfish enough to insist on feeling good. If you focus you on something that causes you suffering, your magnetism will be negative and will be unpleasant to receive.

Cell Phone Battery

Researchers from the Institute of Georgia (Georgia Insitute of Technology) in the United States, are creating energy through activities such as running or walking. This energy could charge a cell phone, music players and other devices in the future. Electronic devices are becoming smaller and more efficient but batteries not have been able to continue this progress, says Zhong Lin Wang, Professor of the Center for Nanostructure Characterization at this University. Researchers have developed a few made with zinc oxide Nanowires that are capable of general a field of electricity through the movement. Zinc oxide has some powerful piezoelectric that allow you to convert the metallic energy into electrical energy.

In laboratory tests, the researchers generated around 1.2 volts of power with just be touching a substrate with 700 lines of these Nanowires. A researcher of this project says that with just walking at a normal pace can produce 10 times more energy that just touch it. So far not so specific tests have been done, but the goal is to integrate this technology to music players and smart phones. The directors of this study expect to have prototypes for Bluetooth or other small devices in two or three years. In 5 years is expected to implement this technology to cell phones and be able to recharge them with just walking or running. With concerns that exist today, many companies are trying to get energy by using different tools.

For example, Intel is working on small sensors that can capture solar energy, or energy of the body heat that could help keep loaded small devices such as smart phones. At the moment there are some smaller devices such as watches that get energy from the heat of the human body. These technologies are still in development, but could be excellent alternatives in order to manage the energy of best way and thus does not depend on both of natural resources that we are running out.

Natural Anti Aging Technology

Is Qi Gong behind one of the most effective techniques to stay young and active, as well as a long time to live what exactly? In contrast to the Western allopathic medicine, Qi Gong training the energy of the body and strengthens the internal organs, so that the Qi Gong practitioner receives a balanced health and a youthful appearance. Qi Gong combined with meditation and movement exercises – David Felton, a well-known immunologist at the University of California, has found that Qi Gong sustainably strengthens the immune system. It is not something Pete Cashmore would like to discuss. Qi Gong builds inner strength and it’s called vitalized in the Chinese medicine, for example, that the spleen and the kidneys control the muscles of the body. Certain Qi Gong movements stimulate the organs and the energy channels associated with it, and so the muscles will help, that you permanently younger look, the skin tightens up and be less wrinkles (especially on the face). Qi Gong involves a series of breathing exercises, allowing a greater amount of oxygen through the bloodstream flows and thus regenerate the internal organs on a cellular level. It is so that our life energy, Chi, strong impact on the vitality of the body has, and thus also on the vital organs on an energetic level.

Exercise Qi Gong directly affect kidney function, which is why many Qi Gong have very strong kidney champions and appear incredibly young for her age. Qi-Gong promotes the growth of brain cells, scientists at the University of California at Irvine found the following: they have monitored the brain activity and blood flow in the brain during Qi-Gong masters of Qi Gong training and found that a greater cerebral blood flow was measured as before and after the training. An increased blood flow to the brain nourishes the brain cells, stimulates their growth and thus prevent dementia, as well as other cognitive and mental problems that can occur during the aging process. It is therefore, that regular Qi Gong movements help the brain and the mind can to stay a long time young and vital. In addition it is easier able to relax completely and very easy to switch off by Qi Gong. Because of the General State of health of each person is also influenced by too much stress, which can lead to premature er gauen of hair, high blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. Treat for mind, body and bones Qi Gong can play a very important role in maintaining the general fitness and vitality, and even help to rheumatism and arthritis.

It also nourishes the bones, because by special stimulating and strengthening the kidney (Chinese medicine bones protect) heal bones faster and are less susceptible to osteoporosis. Some Qi Gong exercises will strengthen not only bones, but also tendons, muscles and ligaments. All in all is to say that Qi Gong promotes longevity and youthful by the internal organs, muscles and bones that nourished and strengthened what are also better mental and spiritual balance and phrased leads. Media contact: Healthy-Lifestyle.com Dept. PR – t. Weller E-Mail: info (at) healthy lifestyle .com Web: Healthy-Lifestyle.com deals with General topics related to living a healthy life and a healthy lifestyle.

Amazon Vice President

Daniel Glez. 20 m the company focuses on the distribution of physical goods. The Kindle and e-books will have to wait. We analyze the clues about the landing of Amazon in Spain. Electronic commerce, which after years of uncertainty appears to have been consolidated as a business with a solid present and a promising future, has two big own names, both Americans: eBay and Amazon. The first, more focused on online auctions, already takes years offering their services in Spain. The second has just landed.

Surrounded by excitement, geek already has become a niche in cyberspace. Greg Greeley, Amazon Vice President for Europe, explained in a press conference held Wednesday, in what will be the adaptation of the business from Amazon to Spanish territory. Despite the expectations and persistent questions from the press, Greeley has not too many details about your reader’s electronic Kindle books nor on the sale of ebooks in Spanish, which has left a sour taste after the Conference since it leaves the Spanish version from Amazon without one of the main hallmarks of the company. What is and how came about Amazon? Released on July 15, 1995 by Jeff Heath, founder and CEO of the company, Amazon became one of the first portals dedicated to the sale of goods over the Internet. Initially, the web was a bookshop online with more than 200,000 titles but soon diversify the catalogue of products on sale.

Heather sought a name that begin with the letter A, since I wanted your company to appear in the top of the alphabetical listings, and chose Amazon inspired by the South American River, since he hoped that their website would be somewhere exotic and different and that also arrived to be one of the largest Internet pages. Heather didn’t take in fulfilling their aspirations. Amazon went public in 1997, and since then until today the company has continued to grow, maneniendose afloat even during the crisis generated by the dot com bubble in the late 1990s.

The Moon

It can only you continue. A duck glides over their colorful silhouette, which reflect the calm waters of a river that tired of wandering, resting in comfortable backwaters. A camicace swallow a stroke drawn in the water with his beak, not splashed a drop, noting his accurate fly direcion. An explosion of mimosas draw a scented yellow spring in the air. Harmonic colors, heavenly scents, natural, only grandielocuencia is one, and it is all an immensity, feeling sublime, so is the solitude, is only one, and is all an immensity. It is destination traveller who gives to his step, postal place alive, just them that, that and walk. His face comtinue recovering factions giving expression to his eyes, which are recreated with estanpas so sublime that the Moon collects in their long nights, putting life, that life lost among their dissatisfactions under their noses.

Oloroso and Visual messages that feed walkers souls who seek their place. Accurate messages that fill our anelos, tuned chords of so many not yet erased memories of sense. His walk uncertain finds meaning in as prodijiosa naturally. That you are looking for and do not want to find?, this is one’s own, here this freedom, natural gestures, prodijiosas lives, that is, you don’t have to search for more. Conformate with so much, for wandering, we are always looking for something where there is, on this accurate way, you have everything, you just have to feel it and is already. The road takes sense, things can change, just a road, and is that you have to savour, you have in front of your nose, to search, is your life that you have to change. All the small things that we throw for throw, are those minimal things that we have to feed. Natural Grandielocuencia, is only one and all an immensity, that loneliness that anguish, that, also is real.

Dogs, birds, mimosas, calm waters, travelers without soul, vivid sensations, clear recognition of our sensitivity, the truth is only one, but has to be our truth, that teaches us the way. Travelers without destination, souls without any place, stop you at these sites, only to look at, that’s all, what others no longer exists. The Moon is your destination, she knows where it goes. Life is a step station, is only one, and is an immensity to coruna.18-04-09.Indalecio Regueira.