Winners of the design contest vision electric cars city of the future voted on September 7th and 8th 2011 invited the NOW GmbH together with the Federal Ministry of transport for transport, building and urban development (BMVBS) and the Fraunhofer IAO to the Conference vision electric cars city of the future in the BMVBS to Berlin a. Numerous presentations were to inform visitors about various developments and visions for the future on the topic of Electromobility, and then use the platform for stimulating exchange. In advance of the Conference to the Fraunhofer IAO wrote a competition, whose winning were chosen at the start of the event. Aim was to portray visions in four fields of the future, in which today’s developments and trends thought. All applications are evaluated by a jury according to following criteria: novelty and innovativeness of the idea, feasibility, environmental contribution, social benefits and implementation degree of the idea. The Conference brought nearly 200 national and international scientists as well as Representatives of cities, municipalities and businesses in the dialogue on future potential and applications of electric mobility. Main topics were the four areas intelligent integrated E-mobility “,” Stadtintegrierte infrastructure ‘,’ electric cars urban design and life in the electric city.

Competition and the winners were awarded in four categories the following posts: category I: moves intelligent integrated E-mobility as move we us in the city of the future? Winner: e-mobility – trade under current TU Berlin, FG integrated transport planning (represented by Mrs Prof. Christine Ahrend) category II: load Stadtintegrierte infrastructure how can innovative charging infrastructure concepts in urban areas look like? Winner: SEW – battery charging without cable SEW-EURODRIVE (represented by Mr. Thorsten Goetzmann) category III: installed electric cars urban design as can in future traffic and built environment are optimally matched? Winners: visible sustainable electric mobility EIGHT GmbH & co. KG (represented by Mr Christoph B. RABAH) more information: Fraunhofer IAO Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO.