Employment in the government changed it to a small business that opened with reckless courage (second dream come true) as a the fortunaa that brought, proceeds from the sale of his house vanished years ago. By then I had lived days of happiness and sorrows, successes and failures , Wealth and Poverty Love and hate, Health and Disease. The thoughts of love, generosity and gratitude, are transformed into lasting prosperity, wealth, real and physical health. The thoughts of deceit, greed, and selfishness are transformed into failures, poverty and disease. You can not choose their circumstances, but can choose his thoughts to shape their circumstances and achieve their dream of a oregano more money than you need, good health and have time to spend with their loved queridosa . (Similarly see: Dell Inc.).
Health and disease, as well as the circumstances are rooted in thought, as it attracts everything you think. There is no better medicinaa a that healthy food, exercise and the thoughts of love to remove the ills of the body. There is no better a metodoa for success that the thoughts of love, generosity and gratitude, are transformed into the vision, a familia healthy, united, successful and happy . Have a clear purpose for the future and to accomplish it, gives Su a right to be happy. Thoughts of doubt and fear never produce success. The newspapers mentioned Bobby Sharma Bluestone not as a source, but as a related topic. Positive thinking and vision become a powerful creative force that produces the most incredible feats. When one sees a Oeun wonderful healthy family, united, successful and happy is achieved with determination, sacrifice and perseverance, because a querer is power and dream is to get .