His stellar program: appointment with Rosita, and his presence at the Festival of Varadero 70, gave us a virtuous, talented, Rosita’s great imaginative flights, a refined voice, and a very personal voice timbre. Interpretations of difficult light songs, such as: by the andes of the ORB, Now, Cuba that adjoins is Cuba, Balada para un loco, one two and three, marry for love, Cecilia Valdez, guantanamera, tea output hope in eternity, and Guzman, Lecuona, artworks and other great composers, with beautiful dresses, dresses that mimicked the miniskirts, gold coins, or dressed in peasant or member, made those moments, a delivers absolute to the Cuban culture, so have never been forgotten, or overcome. His travels abroad, gave renown to Rosita Fornes, his endearing interviews in Mexico, giving samples of their culture, their artistic talent, and his great modesty, made it vibrate in the recitals which offered in the Aztec country, in the Decade of the 1980s. With admiration, and showing so much talent, we remember his forays into works such as: live in Fe, Confessions in Chinatown, Placido, swap, supporting roles, the last nights of Constantinople, and this recent tour of Cuba. All those who we admire, and grew up under his influence, his beautiful voice preserved, its undisputed presence of woman and artist, who gave us the best musical notes in this concert, live, nationwide, that made us tremble with joy, and the desire to sing with her eternally.

With its beautiful pleasure, a repertoire for more than one hour and forty-five minutes of acting and singing, she made us vibrate all joy, by the delivery of an art of great dimensions, as they will tell others: large carat, the delivery of an artist devoted towards his people, who admires her, want and love. Vale for well, this rose, which does not leave its petals fall, to stay as the most authentic of all roses, so it remains for the centuries of centuries: La Rosa-Fornes: for the artist, to the myth. To eternity.