You should be able to submit a voice request for the transaction over the phone. If you do not have internet, you still can make a deal. Employees of brokerage companies that perform such operations for a client called by traders. Not be superfluous as well as try to call tech support to traders. Check how fast you can get through to them. 4. Usability services company.
Now, most companies in the electronic pershlo document. This means that you do not need to be appearing in the company to sign a report of what that additional agreements, orders a withdrawal. All this can be done without leaving home or the office using his private office at the company’s website and digital signature. Modern broker should provide such an opportunity. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ali Partovi. 5. Additional services. Each broker they are. In large, as we have already said too much.
What can is useful to you at an early stage – is teaching. Courses must be a few on different subjects. It is also very interested in are free or paid one-time seminars. Well, if the broker company claims to have its own training center. Then you will always have to wait for fresh and relevant courses and lectures. 6. The same broker has to be a tax agent. If during the period you will earn your million, you will not have to go in alone tax office, file a tax return, it will do for you your broker. In principle, this uncomplicated features satisfy almost all the major brokerage firms in Russia. In the next article we will analyze in detail the top five among Russian brokers find their differences, all the advantages and disadvantages. And you will be able to make a choice for further study and may be co-operation, based on existing facts.